Month: May 2016
Gucci apologises + more things
Gucci apologises for sending warning letters to Hong Kong shops over paper handbag offerings – context, context, context. Paper items are burned as offerings for the dead to take them into the next life. It tends to be things that they loved or are likely to need. Gucci apologises because it got context wrong, there is…
Millennials are people too
Smart funny video by Adam Conover on the marketing obsession of millennials as a form of segmentation. Show this to as many marketers as you can. Having been involved in youth marketing and even spoken at conferences about it, many of the challenges and insights that ‘millennials’ as a cohort face aren’t unique insights per…
Chinese industrial decline + more
Chinese industrial decline – It is hard to explain to people the diversity of China. If you’ve followed China as a subject area you’re used to discussions around tier one to six cities. We tend to buy into ‘Blade Runner’ China because its the tier one and two cities that you end up visiting. Its…
Predict ISIS attacks + more news
How Traffic to This YouTube Video Could Predict ISIS Attacks – Defense One interesting, but is it actionable intelligence? This reminds me a lot of the term ‘chatter’ as used in the series ’24’. Or prediction markets, which may be better for financiers investing in related areas rather than providing something that the military and…
Sailfish OS + more things
Jolla raises $12 million to continue developing Sailfish OS | – glad that they found funding, but things will be a lot tougher with AndroidOne’s progress and Cyanogen getting their act together with their geo-licences. Hopefully Sailfish OS will find the market share that it deserves. More wireless-related posts here. PLOS ONE: Tracking Protests Using…
What about the work desk phone?
I was in touch with a former colleague of mine the other day and they sent me a picture of my old work desk phone. It was still logged into my account and with a divert through to my mobile phone. The office had hot desking because there wasn’t enough space for everyone to be…
AI love advice + more things
Japanese communications company to introduce AI love advice specialist | Rocket News 24 – we can all stand around an snigger about this. But it’s also really interesting. One of the ways that Yahoo! failed to innovate around search was a concept they called knowledge search. This was about opinions rather than facts: what’s the…
China tech data slides
I have been pulling together China tech data slides for me that were useful for some work that I have been doing. I thought it would be worthwhile sharing these slides with a wider audience. This month, I have selected a few slides that shed a light on advertising and consumer behaviour in China.Looking at platforms…