Search results for: “dark social”

  • Dark social + more news

    How to Use Brand Jedi to Harness ‘Dark Social’ | DigitalNext – AdAge – so basically this is being attributed to influencer engagement and as the driver of ‘unattributable’ site traffic / conversions aka dark social (paywall) Apps to watch at SXSW 2016 — Medium – nothing really stood out to me from this list. Tribe and…

  • Dark Side Of The Moon 50th anniversary + more stuff

    Dark Side Of The Moon 50th anniversary Pink Floyd released their seminal album The Dark Side of The Moon in 1973. The album went on to be very influential in the decades to come. I first heard of the album in primary school, Mr Garrett talked about seeing Pink Floyd perform The Dark Side Of…

  • Dark mode + more things

    Opinion | Living in Dark Mode – The New York Times – of the Hong Kong liberation movement was a plot device in a William Gibson novel, I would expect him to write a character like Karen. (Paywall) – dark mode is a great metaphor for the dystopian ennui. Yet I find it much easier…

  • Flickr best social network experience + more

    Flickr best social network experience going / Boing Boing – I believe that flickr best social network experience at present, but I am not blind to the communities flaws An Oral History of Oakleys, the Most Badass Sunglasses of the 1990s | MEL Magazine – or how Luxottica made a great brand merely good. More…

  • The Dark Net by Jamie Bartlett

    The Dark Net had been sitting on my shelf for a while. Jamie Bartlett works at Demos, has written for The Telegraph and writes books looking at the intersection between radical politics and technology. The Dark Net provides an overview of how politics and social forces have adapted to the internet. Bartlett is largely non-judgemental.…

  • Gatekeeping + more things

    Gatekeeping I wish gatekeeping was a thing back in 2005 and 2006 when I was working on the international launch of Yahoo! Answers. The problem that we had was getting people to contribute answers to questions. Gatekeeping and the exhortation to not gate keep is about sharing knowledge and opinions freely – an in real…

  • Creativity in data

    I had the honour of being part of a panel for the PRCA on the creativity in data run in association with The Work Crowd. Here was the synopsis of the panel discussion that the PRCA put out. Communications is frequently seen as all about ‘big ideas’. But increasingly, it’s being recognised that to develop…

  • WhatsApp Business & other news

    WhatsApp Business Introducing the WhatsApp Business App | WhatsApp blog – a free-to-download Android app for small businesses. Our new app will make it easier for companies to connect with customers, and more convenient for our 1.3 billion users to chat with businesses that matter to them. Here’s how: Business Profiles: Help customers with useful information such…

  • Danger Hiptop

    Thinking about the Danger HIptop When I was reflecting on the Danger Hiptop I was reminded of an article which talked about the collective memory of London’s financial district being about eight years or so. Financiers with beautifully crafted models in Excel would be doomed to make the same mistake as their predecessors.Marketers make the…