Search results for: “trends”
Trends and fads
Why trends and fads? Why trends and fads came about as a post, was that I was scrolling on my LinkedIn notifications on a Saturday (I know, I know I should keep my life free of this crap on the weekends.) Creative Review were talking about how trend forecasting had become rusty, but that got…
Megatrends by John Naisbitt
John Naisbitt’s Megatrends was on the New York Times bestseller list when it was first published in 1982. Naisbitt outlined some big long term trends that he’d found as part of a decade of research. Hence the mega in Megatrends; though one could argue that macro may have been a more accurate term to use.…
Beauty trends
Beauty trends is a bit tricky – there are generational and cultural aspects to beauty and standards. I’ve tried to tease out elements that will ripple around the world. Digital Beauty Chinese women use Meitu and other beauty apps to present the best versions of themselves with a virtual makeover. This goes from skin quality,…
PR trends and Edelman’s recent results
David Brain has written a good PR trends piece over at his blog on Edelman’s recent results. In particular, David focuses on the PR industry’s reaction to those results (some find it amusing to see the class swot get a B-grade). There is a temporary amnesia of other agency group problems. Go and have a…
Innovation stuckness + more 2018 trends
There are a number of people who have done great trends / predictions for 2018. I thought that I would focus on what I would like to see across three trends: innovation stuckness, lean web design, machine learning ethical considerations, buffer bloat and redefining what a technology start-up is. Smartphones are stuck in a period…
2017 internet trends + other things
2017 internet trends report Mary Meeker’s 2017 internet trends report: All the slides, plus analysis | Recode – was the big thing to drop in my week. The key themes for me from the 2017 internet trends report were: More related content here. The Reflex remixes The Reflex remixes Gil Scott Heron. Nicolas was one…
Tech trends myopia in ideas
Tech trends event at The Churchill Club The Churchill Club recently had their annual Top 10 Tech Trends event in Silicon Valley. This was the 17th time that they had their event. It’s a great bit of content to have on in the background. The collective opinions in the panel bought up concerns for me…
Ogilvy social trends + other things
Ogilvy social trends Marshall and James delivered their Ogilvy social trends presentation on a webinar. Included in the Ogilvy social trends presentation is Here is this year’s Ogilvy social trends presentation: Vintage logo design Flickr user Eric Carl has put together an amazing album of vintage logo design from the 1970s and they are truly…
Eight trends for the future
I have been thinking about were things are going and boiled this down into eight trends or areas. Some of these areas overlap and enable each other, so it’s often hard to tease apart the post-modern tangle into neat categories. But I hope to drill down into these eight trends in more depth in future…