Search results for: “audi”

  • Beep

    In Canada, as with other countries a beep electronic sound punctuated the correct time. In Canada, this is called the long dash because of its extended tone. In the UK and Ireland I have heard it called the ‘pips‘ three short beeps instead. Consistency and precision Before we had precise time mediated by a beep;…

  • Omakase

    Omakase origin. Omakase is a Japanese term that has become popular in Korea. Omakase as a phrase comes from the term ‘makaseru’ meaning to entrust. In a sushi restaurant omakase meant the customer turned over responsibility for choosing their menu to the sushi chef. The chef would choose the type of fish and the cut.…

  • Canon semiconductor manufacturing disruption + more

    Canon semiconductor manufacturing disruption I started thinking about Canon semiconductor manufacturing disruption when I read this article: Canon looks to nanoimprint tech for 2nm lithography | EE News Europe. Canon semiconductor manufacturing disruption looked on the horizon with the announcement of its nano imprint technology. Nano imprint approach is something that has been explored for…

  • Listening pleasure

    I was reminded by an article in an old copy of the FT’s HTSI (How To Spend It) magazine about the diversity of what listening pleasure means to different people. Aural wallpaper For many of us, the personal equivalent of muzak masks distracting sounds in the neighbourhood or the odd sounds emanating from the heating…

  • November 2023 newsletter – fourth time unlucky?

    November 2023 newsletter introduction You’re still reading? Great! Welcome to my November 2023 newsletter which marks my 4th issue. I am not excessively superstitious – but living in Hong Kong rubbed off a bit on me. I developed a love of milk tea, found the ‘hit women’ cathartic and am still leery of the number…

  • Western fast fashion + more things

    Western fast fashion Western fast fashion brands have managed to spread around the world, despite concerns over working conditions, product quality and impact on the environment. But things have gone into reverse for western fashion brands in China. Just over a decade ago saw China as a potential growth market. But over the past five…

  • Humane AI pin + more things

    Humane AI pin The Humane AI pin has been hyped for a while. Now it’s been launched as a product with what seems to be a small initial batch based on a waiting list and drop type distribution model. I thought I would wait a bit to post on the Humane AI pin and let…

  • The New Working Class

    The New Working Class by Claire Ainsley is unashamedly wonkish in nature. Ainsley comes from the left of the political establishment. She is an executive director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. She had previously worked for Unite and as a government advisor. Ainsley posits that the Labour Party is out of touch of who the…

  • MCN

    MCN stands for multi-channel network, these are companies, often based in the likes of China and Japan who actively develop popular influencer channels. They work with influencers to help them improve the quality of their content and then build their audience. In return the MCN gets a cut of the revenue from the influencers channel.…