Month: April 2014

  • Mobile data + other news

    Mobile data Consumers Want More Mobile Data, But Simply Don’t Want to Pay | Parks Associates – this analysis of mobile data makes me think that mobile providers have failed to articulate the benefits of mobile data. Secondly it is probably also a symptom of the way mobile devices are used a lot in the…

  • Amazon Dash

    At the end of last week Amazon unveiled Amazon Dash: an accessory to aid ordering from its Fresh grocery service. Fresh promises free same-day delivery on orders of over $35 of more than 500,000 Amazon items including fresh and local products; including products from respected restaurants and coffee shops. It has been rolled out in…

  • Beacons + more news

    Beacons Data point: Beacons, retail apps and targeted messaging | JWT Intelligence – beacons powered by BlueTooth LE provide potential opportunities for retailers. Beacons can be used to help facilitate customer in-store navigation. Beacons can also be used to track customers in-store providing a more granular understanding of footfall. More related content here. Beauty Mobile…

  • Oculus VR | Facebook post

    At the time that the news came out about Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus VR, I was in Boston (for work), the weather was biting cold, the days long and jet lag dulled my curiosity; so this post came along later than I would have liked. The first thing that struck me was how much of…