Month: July 2015

  • The July 7th bombing post

    The tenth anniversary commemoration of the July 7th bombings across London caused me to reflect on my memories of the day. Unlike a lot of London, I was non-plussed about the winning Olympic bid as I had a keen idea of the kind of disruption it would bring to my part of London. The events…

  • Pizza Hut Projector Box + more

    Pizza Hut Projector Box Pizza Hut Projector Box + – interesting Pizza Hut projector box design by Ogilvy for Pizza Hut. You know that the image from the Pizza Hut projector is likely to be a bit like watching an old VHS pirated recording of a film. I would have serious worries about a smartphone…

  • Data protection czar + more

    The Mark News | A national balancing act: security of a country and privacy of the individual – interesting read by Giovanni Buttarelli, the EU’s data protection czar. What’s interesting about his essay is how poorly European countries measure up according to their own data protection czar. That in itself is damning After 80 per cent…

  • Smartphone zombies

    Hong Kong was the first place that I had every been where on the mass transit system specifically warns you to not look over intently at your phone and pay sufficient attention to riding the escalator. So it makes sense that I first read about smartphone zombies in the South China Morning Post. Over 80 per…

  • Nuon & other things

    VM Labs Remembering Nuon, the gaming chip that nearly changed the world—but didn’t | Ars Technica UK – it was interesting as a bet against commotisation of PC hardware rather like CDi by Philips by VM Labs. VM Labs Nuon processor looks more like a product of today as the pendulum in semiconductors has swung…

  • My ‘Kindle brain’

    Kindle brain reminds me of a story of my friend. One of my friends had everything: a great husband second time around, a young healthy family, a nice house in a good neighbourhood and a great standard of living. I visited her when she was still on maternity leave and the afternoon went well, but…