Speaking engagements

I fell into public speaking by accident. I had a particular set of skills and that set of skills was in demand. Marketing conferences were multiplying at the time and I was invited to speak at them in the first instance by Craig Hanna of Econsultancy during a chance meeting.

I have since done training and speaking engagements at both public and corporate events. I don’t submit to speak at events but if you want me to speak at yours I’d love to talk with you about it.

I usually get an honorarium ask that you cover my travel expenses if it’s outside London. With the rise of Skype and Zoom I am also happy to have done virtual events and have experience doing podcast commentary for MobileYouth in the past commenting on advertising campaigns as a guest pundit. I have ran online seminars for the CIPR – the professional body for public relations professionals. These were about upskilling experienced executives in wider marketing expertise.

A few of the events I’ve presented and been on panels at:

  • Creativity and Data panel, The Work Crowd & PRCA, London
  • Merck brand marketing conference, Darmstadt
  • Short and sweet code – Learn how to do it and make social objects with it (Social Media Week), London
  • Emerging technologies and tactics for social media & building communities (ClickZ), Hong Kong
  • Best Practices for Integrated Mobile Marketing Conference, Hong Kong
  • Econsultancy Digital Cream, Hong Kong
  • Asian Charity Services Ignite Seminar on communications, Hong Kong
  • Abbot Pharmaceuticals brand conference, London
  • Experian Marketing Services conference, London
  • SoCon – A brand journey in social media, London
  • CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations) Social Media events, London
  • CIPR Freshly Squeezed events, London
  • Social Media in Business (SMiB), London
  • Reputation Matters – Online Gaming (for Verisign), London
  • eTourism Forum, Cyprus
  • Annual Tutor Conference, Cookham (Chartered Institute of Marketing CIM)
  • mobileYouth Workout, London
  • Travelling Geeks event (Econsultancy), London
  • Social Media – Measurement, Managing Reputation and Monetisation (Econsultancy), London
  • Perfecting PR strategy (CIPR), London
  • Online PR seminar (CIPR), London
  • Creative Capital Group @ The Hospital Club, London

I cover areas such as advertising, strategy, online marketing and youth marketing, but am known have an opinion about just about everything and anything.

I am a published author who was written about brand planning. My Amazon author profile is here. You can also see some of the interviews that I have done there. I have taught online marketing on behalf of Econsultancy, ClickZ and CIPR. I have been a visiting lecturer for La Salle Business School interactive marketing executive MBA course at Universitat Ramon Lull, Barcelona. I have co-authored two books on digital marketing and have been referenced in many more.

You can find my Slideshare profile here – from this you can see presentations that I have written over my career in public speaking.