Category: gadget | 小工具 | 가제트 | ガジェット

  • Yamato + more stuff

    Space Battleship Yamato Space Battleship Yamato goes back to one of the most creative periods in Japanese animation or anime as its known. It develops a complex plot and covers themes such as honour, sacrifice, death and loss. The show was originally made in three TV series and four movies from 1973 through to 1983.…

  • Apple and China + more things

    Apple and China Elliott Management wrote this opinion piece on Apple and China: Apple is a Chinese company | Financial Times – interesting assessment of risk exposure with a focus on the Apple share price. The Apple and China relationship started before China joined the WTO. Taiwanese contract manufacturers had built huge industrial sites in…

  • McDonalds CSR + more things

    McDonalds CSR McDonalds CSR activities came up a few times over the past day or so I thought I would visit it. CSR stands for corporate and social responsibility. A few American PR executives that I have come across used not to like the S in the middle, which sounded like socialism. The idea was…

  • Hiro Protagonist & more things

    Hiro Protagonist Hiro Protagonist is the main character of Neal Stephenson’s iconic novel Snow Crash. In the novel talks about the rise of the corporation to become a quasi-nation state, a winner takes all economy, a vision of a future metaverse, hacker culture and service hyper-competition with Uber-like employees. Hiro Protagonist is a hacker who…

  • Book Depository + more things

    Book Depository Online bookseller Book Depository is closing down with some three weeks notice. It wasn’t a topic at work and barely made a ripple amongst British friends. The Hong Kong part of my social media bubble shared the news and were sad about it. The company had been owned by Amazon since 2011. I…

  • Cyborg

    I was started down the train of thought to think about the idea of a cyborg based on a discussion with my colleague Colleen with regards to the changes we had been seeing in consumer behaviour. With that in mind I thought I would reflect on what my understanding of what cyborgs are. Cyborg in…

  • Japanese soft power + more things

    Japanese soft power Japanese soft power didn’t start with anime, manga or even Sonny Chiba. Asianometry posted a video covering how Japanese soft power was manifested in the 19th century through a mix of planning and happy accident. Japan benefited from a sophisticated artisan culture for everything from food and drink to metal working. Wikileaks…

  • Nepotism + more things

    Nepotism in the creative industries Is nepotism really that bad? | LinkedIn – Jed Hallam wrote an essay on nepotism and the effects that he perceives it as having on inequality. Jed tries to steer a line on nepotism somewhere between recognising that the people may have an interest and talent, whilst pointing out inequality related…

  • CES 2023

    25 years thinking about tech and CES 2023 CES 2023 marks the 25th year since I first started working in agency life. Back then I was working in what was the exciting world of technology. I had nascent internet clients, networking / telecoms clients and Palm, who were leaders in the personal digital assistant market.…