Month: October 2016

  • New Apple MacBook Pro

    I slept a few naps before pulling together these thoughts on the new Apple MacBook Pro. I have been a Mac user since it was the mark of eccentricity. I am writing this post on a 13″ MacBook Pro and have a house of other Macs and peripherals. Theatre Apple launched a new range of…

  • Democracy in Decline by Philip Kotler

    It was a curious experience for me to be reading Democracy in Decline. When I was in college Philip Kotler was a constant part of my life. His Principles of Marketing was a core text for my degree. It is a bit weird reading another book by Professor Kotler; especially one on such a dramatically…

  • Republic of Samsung + more

    Republic of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall Dismays South Korea, the ‘Republic of Samsung’ – – interesting how attached Korean people are to the Samsung brand. Samsung represents over 20 percent of Korean GDP and the Korean stock market – hence the Republic of Samsung. The Republic of Samsung has a wide reach in Korea.…

  • Internet of hacking

    IoT should be considered the Internet of Hacking (IoH). Mirai – is a bot network that is powered by a range of devices including infected home routers and remote camera systems. It took over these systems by using their default passwords. The network of compromised machines is then targeted to overload a target network or…

  • Toothbrush test + more news

    Toothbrush test Google Canceled the Launch of a Robotic Arm After it Failed the ‘Toothbrush Test’ – Bloomberg – executives at Google parent Alphabet Inc. nixed the plan because it failed Chief Executive Officer Larry Page’s “toothbrush test,” a requirement that the company only ship products used daily by billions of people, according to people familiar with…

  • Brexit segmentation

    Inspiration for brexit segmentation This chain of thought on Brexit segmentation got fired up when my Facebook filled up with calls to petition British Airways to stop the distribution of the Daily Mail, mainly because of headlines like: So can a brexit segmentation be used as part of a marketing strategy? There are at least…

  • Leatherman + more news

    Leatherman Origin Of Leatherman: The Road From Start-Up To Mega-Brand – great interview with Tim Leatherman. The development of Leatherman cam out of an unmet need. But what was of particular interest was how Gerber Knives went from Leatherman supplier to competitor by looking at the Leatherman production orders. There’s a lesson from Leatherman for globalised brands…

  • Danger Hiptop

    Thinking about the Danger HIptop When I was reflecting on the Danger Hiptop I was reminded of an article which talked about the collective memory of London’s financial district being about eight years or so. Financiers with beautifully crafted models in Excel would be doomed to make the same mistake as their predecessors.Marketers make the…

  • Return of Mao + more news

    Return of Mao The return of Mao: a new threat to China’s politics — – interesting how it has merged with folk religion. Return of Mao is a cargo cult for people who want to return to more egalitarian times, even if everyone was poorer. The return of Mao is probably not looking for the…