Search results for: “IoT”

  • Patriotic Alternative + more things

    Patriotic Alternative Patriotic Alternative wasn’t a name familiar to me when I first heard about them instigating a riot in Liverpool on Saturday night. It doesn’t take that much to create a ruckus in some of the poorer areas of Liverpool. I wasn’t particularly surprised by the burnt out police van; it sounds like a…

  • Eliot Higgins & things from last week

    Eliot Higgins Eliot Higgins talks about the origins of Bellingcat. The investigations that Bellingcat has done to date and some of the techniques that it uses in investigations. Higgins has written an account of Bellingcat which goes into open source intelligence and new investigative journalist techniques. Bellingcat are also famous for their courses, where they…

  • IoT + more

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is already here—just not the way you expected | The Kernel – really good read on the IoT ecosystem that puts things into perspectives. More on IoT here. Aeon ATM to put cash at your fingertips Aeon Bank will start a trial run of ATM services operated through fingerprints in February, a potential…

  • Patriot Act + more news

    PATRIOT Act PATRIOT Act clouds picture for tech | Politico – the PATRIOT Act passed in the wake of the September 11 attacks, giving the US government access to web services to try and fill in the gaps in intelligence. However the PATRIOT Act covers data held outside the US. So many foreign multinational companies…

  • Symbiot – Mutually Assured Disruption

    Symbiot a Texas based Internet security company has announced a new technology that allows companies to ‘strike back’ at cyber attackers. Symbiot is looking to become a sort of ‘Smith & Wesson’ or Winchester of the ‘world wild web’, this may not be a good idea. Imagine giving bank staff access to machine guns. Then…

  • Dove 20 years of real beauty

    I was privileged to freelance at Ogilvy on Dove a number of years ago and got to understand the brand a little better during that time. My work on Dove was focused on product advertising for Dove soap in Brazil, the US, Vietnam and the Philippines rather than adding to the master brand canon around…

  • Pharma jargon

    I started my career off working on technology clients who were bad for having their own language but pharma jargon takes things to a new level of complexity. I thought I would write a bluffers guide to make other peoples lives easier. Here’s some of the examples of pharma jargon that came to mind that…

  • AI two-step

    The phrase AI two-step is something I first heard from my friend Antony Mayfield. He used it to talk about how companies were adopting the latest developments in AI for business processes. And then reduce headcount to reflect the newly AI derived tasks instead. The AI two-step isn’t necessarily a new concept, companies like Pegasystems…

  • Vicki Dutton

    Vicki Dutton (or Vicky Dutton) was a fashion pioneer. Dutton was married to an Irish-born British civil servant working under the first Lee Kuan Yew administration of a self-run Singapore. She was a Malay woman living in Singapore. Singapore was recovering from the Japanese occupation, but there were still a large amount of social and…