Search results for: “vietnam”

  • Vietnam requiem + more things

    Vietnam Requiem Horns that seemed to portent the apocalypse and stuttering dialogue: ‘none of them received a heroes welcome, none of them, none of them. None of them received a heroes welcome’. This was the soundtrack of 1985 as part of Vietnam Requiem sampling 19 by Paul Hardcastle. At the time the sampling got me…

  • Vietnam boomtowns + more things

    Apple’s Shifting Supply Chain Creates Boomtowns in Rural Vietnam – Bloomberg – Vietnam is becoming the new China. While China has been impacted by problems of its own making, resulting in diversification of supply chains and trade disputes. This Vietnam build-out feels very much like build out in China during the late 1990s and the…

  • Eric Vietnam Sadler + more things

    Eric ‘Vietnam’ Sadler interview – Folio Weekly – rare interview with Eric ‘Vietnam’ Sadler of the Bomb Squad production team Venture capital investors should harpoon more whales | Financial Times – hard versus soft innovation – soft innovation is winning the money. More on innovation here. Gen Z brand advisors – JWT Intelligence – because…

  • Dove 20 years of real beauty

    I was privileged to freelance at Ogilvy on Dove a number of years ago and got to understand the brand a little better during that time. My work on Dove was focused on product advertising for Dove soap in Brazil, the US, Vietnam and the Philippines rather than adding to the master brand canon around…

  • April 2024 newsletter – no. 9

    April 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my April 2024 newsletter which marks my 9th issue. We managed to make it through the winter and the clocks moved forward allowing for lighter evenings in the northern hemisphere. The number nine is full of symbolism in a good way. In Chinese culture it sounds similar to long-lasting.…

  • CMOs

    Premature obituaries of CMOs Almost 11 years ago business academic Dominique Turpin wrote an article describing CMOs as ‘dead’. Turpin worked at the IMD business school in Switzerland and the article was a classic bid for thought leadership. It’s just the kind of thumb-stopping headline that drives readership of LinkedIn content where it was published.…

  • CNY 2024

    What is CNY 2024 CNY 2024 or the Chinese new year is celebrated across east and south east Asia as it marks the new year according to the lunar calendar. It is as important an advertising spot as Christmas in the UK or the Super Bowl advertising slots in America. This Saturday marks the new…

  • December 2023 newsletter

    December 2023 newsletter introduction I put the December 2023 newsletter together early because I know how December goes. It used to be that Christmas parties and a gradual disappearance of clients and colleagues meant that the month effectively ended on December 15. In recent years all that went out the window. Clients called pitches for…

  • The Code – Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America

    The Code The Code – Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America by Margaret O’Mara is the second book I have read recently about Silicon Valley, this review follows my review of Chip War by Chris Miller. The Code covers the history of Silicon Valley from the post-war to the present. Margaret O’Mara In terms…