Category: style | 時尚 | 유행 | ファッション

  • Sound from screen + other news

    Sound from screen Sony’s New OLED TV Emits Sound From Screen – Nikkei Technology Online – back in the 1970s and 1980s, Sony and Technics (Panasonic) experimented with flat audio speaker drivers. You can see the ancestor of the thinking behind sound from screen, by looking at the Technics SB-10 and Sony’s APM8. Sony’s accurate…

  • Vladimir Putin + more news

    Vladimir Putin Why do diplomats use this alien WhatsApp emoji for Vladimir Putin? | Technology | The Guardian – its hardly diplomatic to carry on this in this way even if it is referring to Vladimir Putin. Secondly, I am pretty confident that Vladimir Putin and his team have a good insight into it. Finally I’d…

  • Stone Island + more things

    Stone Island Arco Maher’s video lookbook for Stone Island via Dazed & Confused. With the book Maher and Stone Island are trying to draw a clear line between the Milan Paninaro sub-culture of the 1980s and urban British youth. There are clear parallels for Stone Island to draw on: conspicuous consumption, international orientation love of club…

  • New Apple MacBook Pro

    I slept a few naps before pulling together these thoughts on the new Apple MacBook Pro. I have been a Mac user since it was the mark of eccentricity. I am writing this post on a 13″ MacBook Pro and have a house of other Macs and peripherals. Theatre Apple launched a new range of…

  • Return of Mao + more news

    Return of Mao The return of Mao: a new threat to China’s politics — – interesting how it has merged with folk religion. Return of Mao is a cargo cult for people who want to return to more egalitarian times, even if everyone was poorer. The return of Mao is probably not looking for the…

  • Fox + more news

    Fox Fox ‘Stole’ a Game Clip, Used It In Family Guy and DMCA’d the Original – Slashdot – either its automated software (likely YouTube’s automated scanning) or exceptionally shady business practices – both of which are plausible scenarios when it comes to Fox. Either way Fox won’t care Business In China, Uber faces battle to usurp…

  • Holly Herndon + more things

    Holly Herndon Holly Herndon and Jace Clayton in conversation. Holly and Jace are interesting characters. They are academics, at least one published book author and artists. They have explored areas such as sampling themselves and the use of machine learning in composition and sound creation.Holly Herndon on process is fascinating. I think this has wider…

  • Threat score + more things

    The new way police are surveilling you: Calculating your threat score – The Washington Post – similar to China’s social credit score, the threat score sounds like a concept perilously close to ‘pre-crime’ in Minority Report. Also how will the threat score handle accusations of systemic racism or infringement of civil or constitutional rights? Moleskine 开出了第一家咖啡店,在日内瓦机场…

  • Zoetrope + other things

    Zoetrope based on a number sequence Amazing zoetrope based on Fibonacci sequence made using 3d-printing – just mesmerising. The strobing effect reminded me of the strobe edge on the Technics SL-1200 turntable. The zoetrope were moving images before film or television existed. This embedded the zoetrope in a wider steam punk aesthetic that harked back…