Month: November 2008
Karaoke + other news
Karaoke How to Sing Karaoke With Confidence – wikiHow – to me karaoke is up there with water boarding, however if you want to bond with co-workers and friends in Asia karaoke is a necessary evil. My personal recommendation if you are asked to do karaoke is California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas…
Child farming & purpose based marketing
Child farming Child farming is not some cynical way of getting indentured slaves, fresh organ donors or creating human batteries to power The Matrix. Instead it was used by Karen Crouse in her article Koreans learn to speak LPGA’s language (International Herald Tribune, November 2, 2008) to describe ‘cultivating successful sons and daughters confers great…
50 books I can recommend
50 books I can recommend was inspired to write this after having read Zen Habits 50 Amazing and Essential Novels To Enrich Your Library. However it would be presumptious of me to assume that your personal collection of books needed enriching through my intercession, so I decided to choice a more humble title. Some of…