Category: newsletter | 通訊 | 뉴스 레터 | ニュースレター

  • December 2023 newsletter

    December 2023 newsletter introduction I put the December 2023 newsletter together early because I know how December goes. It used to be that Christmas parties and a gradual disappearance of clients and colleagues meant that the month effectively ended on December 15. In recent years all that went out the window. Clients called pitches for…

  • November 2023 newsletter – fourth time unlucky?

    November 2023 newsletter introduction You’re still reading? Great! Welcome to my November 2023 newsletter which marks my 4th issue. I am not excessively superstitious – but living in Hong Kong rubbed off a bit on me. I developed a love of milk tea, found the ‘hit women’ cathartic and am still leery of the number…

  • October 2023 newsletter – 3rd time’s the charm

    October 2023 newsletter introduction As I write the October 2023 newsletter. it’s getting noticeably darker outside earlier, but the sunrises reward us with a wider variation of colours. And we all have Halloween to look forward to. This is the third issue and I am still finding my way writing these things. I hope that…

  • September 2023 newsletter – the difficult 2nd album

    September 2023 newsletter introduction The September 2023 newsletter time came around quickly. As I write this, it’s almost the end of September and it feels like no time since I curated the last edition. If you’re reading this, and it’s your first time welcome! If you read the pioneer issue; I hope that this isn’t…

  • August 2023 newsletter – the pioneer edition

    August 2023 newsletter The August 2023 newsletter was inspired by LinkedIn’s in-built newsletter function. It’s almost the bank holiday so I thought I would spend some time to try out the newsletter function in LinkedIn. If you’re reading this, you’re a pioneer! If this goes well I will put one out each month. You can…