Month: June 2013

  • Bruce Schneier @Google

    Bruce Schneier Bruce Schneier on the state of the internet. Schneier is one of the smartest people on information security and the implications of how systems change to affect consumer privacy and security Bruce Schneier’s @Google Talk<br>Key takeaways: Key takeaways Four classes of internet tools of power: Facebook is changing social norms, affecting what people…

  • Coke first name campaign + more things

    Coke first name campaign hits difficulties in China | The Drum – the Coke first name campaign doesn’t work that well in the UK. So not surprised that it failed in China due to the variety of names available in Chinese. This was quite predictable and surprised that it wasn’t planned into thinking about the Coke…

  • Chinese consumer + more news

    Chinese consumer Catering to the self-expressive Chinese consumer – less focus on the corporate brand, more on the product level brand for the self-expressive Chinese consumer. More related content on consumer behaviour Beauty Beiersdorf Could Complement P&G – Euromonitor International – if it did happen let’s hope it would be better than what has happened…

  • Awesome tapes from Africa and other things from last week

    Awesome Tapes From Africa My listening has alternated between the comfort food for the ears of early 1990s dance on the Deconstruction label to streams from the Awesome Tapes From Africa blog. The Awesome Tapes From Africa blog collects African music that has been Social media ready reckoner Social@Ogilvy came up with handy ready reckoner…

  • Hard innovation + more things

    Hard innovation Fred Wilson: Venture capital as we know it will cease to exist | PandoDaily – not as many at least. I can’t see hard innovation being financed by Kickstarter, but then venture capital aren’t financing much hard innovation either. Economics UK inflation: five graphs that show why prices are rising – Telegraph –…

  • Nothing to hide + more news

    Nothing to hide Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance | – both Wired and danah boyd have done great articles about the nothing to hide argument against privacy. The problem with nothing to hide as a framework flips the relationship between governments and their people. People…

  • The PRISM post

    It took a bit longer to develop this post than normal, I had a number of data points and ideas kicking around my head regarding PRISM when the news came out. I don’t have a definite conclusion from them and they seem to raise as many questions as answers about our wider relationship with technology.…