Hard innovation + more things

Hard innovation

Fred Wilson: Venture capital as we know it will cease to exist | PandoDaily – not as many at least. I can’t see hard innovation being financed by Kickstarter, but then venture capital aren’t financing much hard innovation either.


UK inflation: five graphs that show why prices are rising – Telegraph – quite a BusinessInsider-esque article. In short wages outpaced by Consumer Price Index, rising food price inflation, rising clothing costs attributed to the cold May, jump in energy prices with the exception of the filling station which was moderated by vehicle fuel duty freeze

RIP, American Dream? Why It’s So Hard for the Poor to Get Ahead Today – Matthew O’Brien – The Atlantic – the US now has a class system


Taxpayers are looking increasingly exposed on the back of Co-op downgrade | Left Foot Forward


Room service no more: why luxury is leaving the middle class behind | guardian.co.uk – hollowing out of the middle classes probably at play. More related content here


mobygratis – great for not-for-profit and independent film makers and some interesting benefits for Moby in terms of distribution and incremental YouTube ad revenue / iTunes click to buy options


GroupM Next study illuminates evolving role of digital – WPP

Adobe Looks At Enhanced Campaigns’ Impact On CPCs, Tweaks Media Optimizer Algorithm | WebProNews

Social media measurement, after Madrid – Philip Sheldrake


Future Perspective – Privacy, from data to people


Chrome Web Store – Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate – Google Chrome only

Huawei talks up Nokia deal in smartphone market consolidation – FT.comMr Yu predicted that the smartphone market would consolidate to about three or four companies – and warned that Microsoft’s Windows phone platform used by Nokia as well as Huawei was “weak” (paywall) – I guess that’s one of the reasons why Microsoft is reputedly paying developers $100,000 to port their application to Windows Phone 8