Month: March 2015
RSS dead nonsense + more
RSS dead nonsense Is RSS Dead? A Look At The Numbers | MakeUseOf – interesting stats on RSS – a very-much alive format. RSS dead is nonsense, I use it everyday. It is invisible plumbing. Reports of RSS dead is due to the demise of Google Reader. I can’t recommend RSS reader Newsblur enough. More related…
BlueFocus + more news
BlueFocus BlueFocus FY 2014 profit up 62.8% | PR Week – Sir Martin Sorrell will be concerned. BlueFocus is at the centre of a high growth market. BlueFocus has access to cheap capital due to its high share price on the Shenzhen stock exchange and it demonstrates the kind of dynamism that WPP no longer has…
That Jeremy Clarkson post (or lies, damn lies and sentiment analysis)
It isn’t often that my thoughts turn to Jeremy Clarkson. This is mainly because being a car-less resident of London (and late of Hong Kong); I don’t really have much reason to pay attention to Top Gear. Secondly, there is only one Stig and that’s my childhood sporting hero – rally driver (and probably Sweden’s fastest…
rc is 11
rc is 11. Well its 11 years since started under it’s own name. The first post under the rc moniker was ‘Are we too complex’ which was a brief cross post that pointed to a longer piece I wrote at The AlwaysOn Network on Dan Geer. Dan Geer is a computer security and risk management…
Ghostly sounds + more things
Ghostly sounds All the ghostly sounds that are lost when you compress to mp3 – this has been quite well publicised but there is something about it that sends shivers down my spine each time I listen to the ghostly sounds. Culture Benjamin Von Wong’s superhero series of pictures are amazing TJ Fuller’s animated GIFs…
Apple Spring Forward event
Apple Spring Forward event I started this post a few hours after watching Tim Cook and company launch a number of product revisions under the title of Apple Spring Forward. The most anticipated of which was the Apple Watch. I was in full Post Traumatic Apple Event Disorder mode. I have collated some of my…
Robot nation in China factories +more
China’s Factories Are Building a Robot Nation – Caixin – it is amazing how manual things like smartphone manufacture is. Apple moved production to China because pick and place ‘robotic’ automated machines had been used in phone manufacturer, but couldn’t handle the jewellery like manufacturing. Pick and place had been used in Japanese consumer electronics manufacturing…
Age of Ultron + more things
Age of Ultron The latest trailer for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron looks like a CGI feast for the retinas. Age of Ultron is part of the Marvel arc planned out for the next few years. The main protagonist Ultron was originally created by Tony Stark and then went ‘Skynet’ which is where the Age…
MWC 2015 from the Sidelines: Day One
In covering MWC 2015 yesterday I talked about the pre-event Sunday consumer product launches. These launches continued into Monday with Microsoft revealing more about Windows 10 alongside some mid-range smartphones. Sony’s press event was notable for both its style and content. Sony took a lower key approach to the show than in previous years. It hinted…