Month: April 2009

  • Sun Microsystems + other news

    Sun Microsystems Oracle in shock $5.6 billion takeover of Sun – Computer Business Review : News – Sun Microsystems is a Silicon Valley icon. Cisco built their first routers around a Sun Microsystems motherboard. Dot com companies hosted their fledgling online businesses on Sun Microsystems servers. Quant analysts in banks built their models on Sun…

  • Brands in China – be true to yourself

    I was reading a post the other day (and forgot to bookmark it – my OCD having been taken out by the man flu) about how a substantial minority of  respondents thought that US-originated international brands in China like Coca-Cola were  local Chinese brands. Coca-Cola originally entered the Chinese market in 1928 and then re-entered…

  • Underground

    Murakami is best known for his book Norwegian Wood, but I chose Underground: the Tokyo gas attack and the Japanese Psyche as my first Murakami book. It is his only non-fiction work to date (at least to my knowledge). Murakami fled Japan after the success of Norwegian Wood and was lacking context around the Sarin…

  • Tokyo Girls collection: shopping with a Japanese mobile twist

    Tokyo Girls Collection and Shibuya Girls Collection are twice yearly events held in Tokyo ran by blogs and that highlight the latest Japanese fashion ranges to young women. The women usually live outside Tokyo and usually attend the event in person or watch it streamed live online.  The events attract 20,000 attendees. What…

  • Nation of Rebels Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter

    With Nation of Rebels, Heath and Potter set out to square the circle on how consumerism and counterculture aren’t mutually exclusive.  how the hippies of the 1960s and 1970s become the yuppies of the 1980s. They put together a skillful argument in the early part of the  book that counterculture is an extension of the…

  • Survival of the fastest + other news

    Survival of the Fastest YouTube – survivalofthefastest’s Channel survival of the fastest offers a unique insider perspective on the mad scramble in ad agencies during a recession. How do both staff and agencies adapt in economically straightened times is probed in survival of the fastest. Business Analyst: YouTube Will Lose Almost $500 Million This Year…

  • Blyk + more news

    Blyk Communities Dominate Brands: Average Blyk campaign 100K messages, average segment only 8K youth – digging into Blyk stats – so much in this. Blyk took a model that had been popular in Africa and India – funding data, messaging and voice services with advertising and took it to the next level: a mobile carrier…