Month: July 2008
The Flip video camera
A while ago I shared the unboxing pictures of The Flip camcorder that I got sent by Weber Shandwick. I’ve had a chance to play with it and here’s my inital thoughts. The device is pretty robust and has been perfectly happy to float around in the bottom of my messenger bag the past number…
Artificial DNA + other news
Artificial DNA Artificial DNA Could Become Savior Of Technology | PSFK – Trends, Ideas & Inspiration – PSFK isn’t normally the place I would go for futurism but their take on artificial DNA is interesting. Artificial DNA offers opportunity as a storage medium that could be much more compact than today’s flash storage or hard…
Rob Enderle + more news
Rob Enderle Rob Enderle does not know the meaning of surrender. Or disclosure. – MacUser – industry analyst gets called out on astroturfing. Rod Enderle is old school Silicon Valley, he worked in finance, and IT business analysis roles at Rolm. Rolm sold military specification computers to the US armed services and for other applications…
EitaroSoft + other news
EitaroSoft EitaroSoft is an interesting Japanese WeeWorld style avatar competitor but it is much more focused on gaming. EitaroSoft developed Japan’s first 3D engine with application software. It then developed a 3D avatar system based on its self-developed 3D technology. EitaroSoft made Japan’s first 3D avatar system for a mobile phone browser by using Ajax running…