Month: February 2013
Siberian meteor burst + more
Siberian meteor burst I know that there have been 500 people with minor injuries, but the Siberian meteor burst felt like I was living in a Jerry Bruckheimer film. The best observation I saw about it was in Vice magazine’s email newsletter which asked why so many drivers in Russia had managed to film the…
Gaychester movement
From 1993 through the late 1990s, there was a revolution going on in the UK and at the front of it was Manchester aka Gaychester. Back in the late 1980s, clubs had been shaken up by house music and the nascent rave culture. Factory Records Dry Bar opened in 1989 changed the nature of drinking…
Mel Cheren + more news
Mel Cheren Apiento had posted a documentary on Mel Cheren, who founded West End Records. Mel Cheren was much more than the head of a disco label; he helped found the Paradise Garage and along with the likes of Salsoul Records was responsible for the direction that dance music has taken over the past 40…
Black business
The term black business is an Asian term in terms of origin and use. In the west, corporate and social responsibility has been on the minds of management teams for a while. It is also starting to get traction in Asian companies that are exposed to international markets. It doesn’t seem to trouble some Japanese…
Communications Bill draft
This is going to be a convoluted long post on the draft Communications Bill, so I just decided to pick a point and start. The Draft Communications Bill, what is it? The Draft Communications Bill is a piece of legislation that builds upon work done by the European Union and the previous Labour administration. It…
Cleantech + more news
Cleantech Insight: How cleantech tarnished Kleiner and VC star John Doerr | Reuters – when thinking about cleantech it is worth remembering that Doerr also made crazy bets on Netscape. It may have been the wrong thing to do from a finance point-of-view but the direction was right. Robert X. Cringely described technology as being…