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CNY 2023 the the rear window
Chinese New Year or CNY 2023 in online shorthand meant that for many people through Asia and beyond we are now in the year of the rabbit. You may see CNY 2023 also called lunar new year or ‘spring festival’. This post is later than I usually do for Chinese New Year, but that delay…
Nepotism + more things
Nepotism in the creative industries Is nepotism really that bad? | LinkedIn – Jed Hallam wrote an essay on nepotism and the effects that he perceives it as having on inequality. Jed tries to steer a line on nepotism somewhere between recognising that the people may have an interest and talent, whilst pointing out inequality related…
Valley of Genius by Adam Fisher
Valley of Genius by Adam Fisher promises to be ‘the uncensored history of Silicon Valley’ based on stories that founders and programmers told to each other. All of which begs the question how much is myth making and how much is true? Getting to the truth Having worked for Silicon Valley clients and in-house at…
Uninsurable hacks + more things
Uninsurable hacks As cybercrime has become more common there has been a move towards the incidents becoming uninsurable hacks in nature. 2022 looks like a watershed moment in the move to uninsurable hacks. Lloyd’s of London defends cyber insurance exclusion for state-backed attacks | Financial Times – Lloyds of London were looking at state backed exclusions.…
State capitalism & more things
State capitalism State capitalism has been created in various forms in China since opening up. Some of the new forms have aspects that impacts the relative attractiveness of doing business in or with Chinese companies. Opening up Historically since opening up China has been a mixed market model. There were small private businesses including many…
The Power Law by Sebastian Mallaby
The Power Law lays out VC history The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption does for the technology venture capital industry what Accidental Empires and Where Wizards Stay Up Late did for the technologists that they financed. About the author Sebastian Mallaby Prior to reading The Power Law Mallaby wasn’t a familiar…
Delivery services
Why talk about delivery services? On the days that I go into office I am reminded of the late 1990s and 2000 with online services marketing, in particular delivery services. The Super Bowl advertising had a plethora of online businesses, Coinbase’s QRcode ad will likely be the sock puppet of 2022. (The reason why…
Alex Cox One of the cultural things that most defined the 1980s for me was the Moviedrome series of films on BBC 2. Late on a Sunday night, audiences were introduced to films by film director and academic Alex Cox. Cox had a singular vision and an encyclopaedic knowledge that he used to showcase the…
Political polarisation + more stuff
Political polarisation between Democrats and Republicans Political polarisation has been talked about for years. The schism in UK society caused by Brexit has been exhaustively examined including sometimes on this blog. This video is based on research by PRRI, you can see more about the research here. There are a number of outtakes in the…