Search results for: “intel”

  • March 2024 newsletter – no. 8

    March 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my March 2024 newsletter which marks my 8th issue. I am glad that I have moved to the eighth issue. In between St Patrick’s day happening in March, and the number 8 being lucky according to the Chinese in a good place – I figure its a good omen…

  • AI two-step

    The phrase AI two-step is something I first heard from my friend Antony Mayfield. He used it to talk about how companies were adopting the latest developments in AI for business processes. And then reduce headcount to reflect the newly AI derived tasks instead. The AI two-step isn’t necessarily a new concept, companies like Pegasystems…

  • Brand clichés

    Brand clichés have been in the background of my career in agencies, all the way through. I am sure that brand clichés will continue long after my career is over. I started off writing copy for technology clients. Short pithy marketing copy and longer thought leadership pieces, opinion editorials and white papers. Back when I…

  • Razors for strategists

    What are razors? Razors are one of a series of tools that I use for problem solving. They sit alongside the idea of ‘chunking’ that is breaking a problem down into more manageable and solvable constituent parts. Razors aid in decision-making and analysis. Razors are rules that guide your way through a problem, or ‘cut’…

  • February 2024 newsletter – No.7

    February 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my February 2024 newsletter which marks my 7th issue. I hope that your year of the dragon is off to a great start. The number 7 is a bit of a mixed bag, depending on how you look at it. In the old testament, the 7th heaven is where God’s…

  • Y2K

    Early last year, fashion started to pillage the late 1990s and early 2000s for fashion inspiration, which became a Y2K trend on social platforms and in the fashion media. But this divorced Y2K from its original meaning. Y2K was technologist short hand for a calendar problem in a lot of legacy systems that were designed…

  • Technonationalism

    Technonationalism as a term has started to spring up in Chinese policy discussions regarding technology trade with the US and China. Technonationalism origins Technonationalism is a term used by economist Robert Reich in 1987 to describe the relationship between technology and national security. Reich used the term in an article that he wrote for The…

  • January 2024 newsletter – this makes a half dozen

    January 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my January 2024 newsletter which marks my 6th issue – bringing us to a half dozen issues in total. Here’s a quick video introduction that I recorded with HeyGen. Dozen as a word in the English language comes from the french douzaine – meaning an assembly of 12 things…

  • 2023 – that was twenty twenty three

    2023 has been an eventful year. I thought it made sense to go back and reflect on everything that has gone on this year. I was inspired to do this after coming across a similar post that I had done for 2005. Contrary to what much of the tech sector believed just six months earlier,…