Search results for: “macOS”

  • WWDC 2018 outtakes

    Introduction to WWDC 2018 This summary of the WWDC 2018 keynote has been re-organised to try and provide a bit more coherence as Apple took things in a slightly different order to try and create ‘surprise and delight‘. WWDC 2018 highlighted how cross-platform they’ve evolved Continuity and Siri to try and make them more useful…

  • Re-Tros & things from this week

    This documentary on genre defying Chinese group Re-Tros and their first European tour in support of Depeche Mode. People often use the descriptor post-punk for Re-Tros, but Re-Tros come out of a different historical context to the post-punk movement in the west. Their style definitely has a jazz or progressive rock-style improvisation feel to it.…

  • This wasn’t the internet we envisaged

    The debate over privacy on Facebook got me thinking about the internet we envisaged. Reading media commentary on Tim Cook’s recent address at Duke University prodded me into action. What do I mean by we? I mean the people who: Wrote about the internet from the mid-1990s onwards Developed services during web 1.0 and web…

  • Alternatives to big tech + more news

    Alternatives to big tech  Alternatives to Big Tech, and a t-shirt | Creative Good – as someone who has used RSS for a long time I am intimately aware of the needs for alternatives to big tech. Google Reader obliterated RSS readers and then obliterated RSS readership by abruptly withdrawing the product. I’d argue that…

  • Marzipan & other news

    Marzipan Daring Fireball: Marzipan – Gruber posits that Marzipan is a unified development environment that allows programmers to create apps optimised for iOS and macOS. Marzipan means that the only have to write the app only one time, rather than having to rewrite completely for each platform. It makes more sense than the original Guzman…

  • Speedfactory + other news

    Adidas Speedfactory Inside Speedfactory: Adidas’ Robot-Powered, Shoe Production Facility | WIRED – Adidas Speedfactory interesting explorations in automation and customisation in manufacturing. Speedfactory would also allow manufacturing to be moved closer to where the product will be sold. Speedfactory could have an impact on globalisation if commercialised. Consumer behaviour 3 Must Know Trends of Affluent…

  • 10th anniversary of the Kindle + more news

    Amazon marks 10th anniversary of the Kindle, the ’18-month project’ that took 3 1/2 years – Kessel said the team was determined to keep the Kindle a single-purpose device – something where you could lose yourself in a book, rather than a multipurpose piece of hardware that might create distractions. They were also focused on making it…

  • Alibaba Tencent and Huawei + more

    Alibaba Tencent and Huawei will take on the west’s technology players and win, predicts Sorrell – Mumbrella Asia – Alibaba Tencent and Huawei may also end up being Galapagos type businesses, or being seen a  threat by the Party because of their power. It would also be Huawei at least is a WPP client…. Ideas…

  • Google Facebook Amazon and Apple + more

    Lost Context: How Did We End Up Here? – NewCo Shift – how did Google  Facebook  Amazon and Apple get to a position similar to that of the gilded age giants?  What can be done to regulate Google Facebook Amazon and Apple? Online Facebook (FB) on Russian ads: Our platform doesn’t influence people; people influence…