Search results for: “yahoo!”

  • 25 years

    March 1998 – 25 years ago My consumer internet usage goes back 25 years as a celebratory email reminded me in my Yahoo! account earlier this year. had started using the internet back in early 1994. I had access to email whilst working as a research technician for Corning in their optical fibre manufacturing business.…

  • Tools are changing

    I was sat thinking about a client project the other day. I was using Miro as a way to articulate my thoughts into something that the creatives could work with. As I stared off at a Post-It note on my wall that made up part of the prototype the idea that the tools are changing…

  • Robots in religion + more things

    Robots in religion I was sparked to lead this post based on footage that I watched about a priest in South India with regards a robotic elephant. Robots in religion have taken off in both Shinto and Hindu ceremonies. Japan Academics have widely talked about how the Shinto-based belief system have aided Japanese societal acceptance…

  • Vintage Obscura Radio + more stuff

    Vintage Obscura Radio Vintage Obscura Radio – back when I used to work at Yahoo! we had an editorial team who surfaced great websites like the Liveplasma, which allowed you to discover new artists and authors based on what you liked. Or The Cloud Appreciation Society. We used to package up the best of these sites…

  • The Big Score by Michael Malone

    The author of The Big Score is a lifetime inhabitant of Silicon Valley, Michael Malone. Malone went to school with Steve Jobs and spent his entire working life as a journalist covering technology companies of the area. His own career sounds like a veritable history of technology sector business reporting. Malone had written and or…

  • Huamei Qiu + more stuff

    Huamei Qiu Huamei Qiu is now an intellectual property lawyer based in Germany. Three years ago she featured in a New York Times documentary about the pressures on Chinese women to marry. She comes across in the film as bright, smart and engaging. She’s pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way with a flattering pixie…

  • Cyborg

    I was started down the train of thought to think about the idea of a cyborg based on a discussion with my colleague Colleen with regards to the changes we had been seeing in consumer behaviour. With that in mind I thought I would reflect on what my understanding of what cyborgs are. Cyborg in…

  • NORA

    Last week I heard the acronym NORA mentioned with regards the kind of problems that Microsoft’s algorithm could solve. NORA stands for no one real answer. Search is already pretty good at answering questions like ‘what time is it in Osaka’ or ‘what is the capital of Kazakhstan’. In the mid-2000s NORA would have been…

  • Patagonia vest recession

    The Patagonia vest recession was a phrase that I first heard touted by Scott Galloway to encapsulate the economy in 2022. In most recessions, the first sectors to go under are construction, retailing and manufacturing – blue and pink collar working class people suffer the blunt of lay-offs and site closures due to recession. The…