Search results for: “Michael Lewis”

  • The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis

    Michael Lewis’ The Fifth Risk is marketed as a Trump presidency book. The Donald The Fifth Risk starts off by telling the story of Chris Christie. How he helped the future Trump administration organise a government in waiting. Christie and the team are let go. Trump was worried about spending money. Given the revelations about…

  • The Big Score by Michael Malone

    The author of The Big Score is a lifetime inhabitant of Silicon Valley, Michael Malone. Malone went to school with Steve Jobs and spent his entire working life as a journalist covering technology companies of the area. His own career sounds like a veritable history of technology sector business reporting. Malone had written and or…

  • 2024 iPad Pro

    In my take on the 2024 iPad Pro I am going to look at things through three lenses and after the initial hot takes have cooled down. These three lenses are: Apple and Microsoft both push their most powerful tablets like the 2024 iPad Proas creator tools. However, at the time of writing I have…

  • Every old idea is new again

    Inspiration for every old idea is new again The inspiration for this post on every old idea is new again came from my opening up Rakuten‘s Viber messaging app on my iPhone. Viber is a messaging platform and also does voice over IP, including out to the phone network. It is a hybrid of Skype…

  • Bookshelf

    Why is there a page called Bookshelf? I’ve read a good number of books, but only a subset remain on my bookshelf. For instance, I love graphic novels, but I pass them on to friends. They entertain, but in general they don’t stay on the bookshelf. When I say bookshelf that’s probably inaccurate for a…

  • El Capitan + more things

    Things that made my day this week. I have been quiet on here as El Capitan has a real problem with memory leakage with regards to, this necessitated a complete rebuild of the computer (which didn’t solve anything) and an eventual pruning of the library. This is a real software quality problem for Apple.…

  • Nothing to hide + more news

    Nothing to hide Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance | – both Wired and danah boyd have done great articles about the nothing to hide argument against privacy. The problem with nothing to hide as a framework flips the relationship between governments and their people. People…

  • A Colossal Failure Of Common Sense by Lawrence G. McDonald with Patrick Robinson

    Every financial point of inflection be it a recession or a boom has its signature event. The internet boom was marked by the IPO of Netscape and the merger of AOL with media company Time Warner. The internet bust was marked by Worldcom and Enron’s collapse. The current subprime implosion in the US was marked…

  • Optoelectronics + more news

    Optoelectronics H.P.’s Hunk of Burning Light – Bits Blog – – interesting update on optoelectronics in computing. This is an area that has been talked about since I worked in a technology lab at Corning’s old Optical Fibre business in Deeside in the mid-90s. That site is now a greenfield inside the fence of…