Category: china | 中國 | 중국 | 中華

  • Vladimir Putin + more news

    Vladimir Putin Why do diplomats use this alien WhatsApp emoji for Vladimir Putin? | Technology | The Guardian – its hardly diplomatic to carry on this in this way even if it is referring to Vladimir Putin. Secondly, I am pretty confident that Vladimir Putin and his team have a good insight into it. Finally I’d…

  • Republic of Samsung + more

    Republic of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall Dismays South Korea, the ‘Republic of Samsung’ – – interesting how attached Korean people are to the Samsung brand. Samsung represents over 20 percent of Korean GDP and the Korean stock market – hence the Republic of Samsung. The Republic of Samsung has a wide reach in Korea.…

  • Internet of hacking

    IoT should be considered the Internet of Hacking (IoH). Mirai – is a bot network that is powered by a range of devices including infected home routers and remote camera systems. It took over these systems by using their default passwords. The network of compromised machines is then targeted to overload a target network or…

  • Toothbrush test + more news

    Toothbrush test Google Canceled the Launch of a Robotic Arm After it Failed the ‘Toothbrush Test’ – Bloomberg – executives at Google parent Alphabet Inc. nixed the plan because it failed Chief Executive Officer Larry Page’s “toothbrush test,” a requirement that the company only ship products used daily by billions of people, according to people familiar with…

  • Return of Mao + more news

    Return of Mao The return of Mao: a new threat to China’s politics — – interesting how it has merged with folk religion. Return of Mao is a cargo cult for people who want to return to more egalitarian times, even if everyone was poorer. The return of Mao is probably not looking for the…

  • The Yahoo Data Breach Post

    2014 brought us a Yahoo data breach only disclosed now; it formally declared the breach to consumers on September 22. This isn’t the first large data breach breach that Yahoo! has had over the past few years just the largest. In 2012, there was a breach of 450,000+ identities back in 2012. Millions of identity…

  • The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu

    The Dark Forest is the second book in Cixin Liu’s Three Body Problem trilogy. I reviewed the first book here. In the second book the tone changes from being a hard bitten conspiracy story to a fully-blown space opera. The Dark Forest of the title is a metaphor for a philosophical thought experiment. The universe…

  • VisiCalc of today + more news

    VisiCalc The Internet of Things is looking for its VisiCalc – Beep Networks Blog – VisCalc was a spreadsheet and the first useful application for personal computers, people bought them to take into work because of VisiCalc – VisiCalc what my university lecturer would have called a ‘killer application’. VisiCalc was the app that drove the…

  • The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia by Bill Hayton

    In The South China Sea; Hayton sets an ambitious goal for himself to try and unpick the claims and counter claims on territory in the area. It is a massive convoluted story that encompasses colonial powers, oil companies and a plethora of Asian countries. In the end no one comes out of it with glowing colours.…