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In case you’ve lived under a rock for the past few days, Piggate is something you will want to be over by now.
What is Piggate?
Piggate is an uncorroborated allegation. David Cameron is alleged to have put part or all of his genitals in the mouth of a dead pig. This alleged to have been part of an initiation ceremony of an exclusive dining club during his time at Oxford University. The allegation appeared in an unauthorised biography of Cameron ‘Call me Dave‘ co-authored by Lord Ashcroft.
A couple of thoughts on Piggate
- David Cameron lived out his childhood and young adult life in a world without social media. There will be countless people of his generation thinking ‘there but for the grace of God go I‘ due to the youthful high jinks in military barracks, schools and sports clubs around the world. This is what happens when male bonding gets ritualised. It’s not pleasant to think about, but it doesn’t surprise me. If true, it has be better than events like the Tail Hook scandal which resulted in sexual harassment, or fraternity hazing deaths. No one was harmed. I presume the pig wasn’t killed especially for the event
- Lord Ashcroft has deliberately burnt bridges with this book and it would be more interesting to find out what persuaded him to take such drastic action. Also it wouldn’t be that hard to make a short list up of the likely MP who told Ashcroft the story (if they exist at all). It is the kind of story worthy of House Of Cards and shows how brutal party politics can be
Finally, how did CassetteBoy manage to put together Getting Piggy With It so fast? This kind of video splicing is hard to do. The editing itself would only take up part of the time. The big time suck would be going through to research the right clips that can then be put together.
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