Build them and they will come | The Economist – or how AirBnB doesn’t make much of a difference in London due to structural issues
IBM’s Supercomputer is Controlling a Massive Virtual Reality Game, and They Need Beta Testers – In Brief This virtual reality game will be powered by cognitive computing and cloud technology. And they are seeking beta testers.
Porn Industry Uses Airbnb, Rental Houses for Filming | NBC Southern California – Nearly four years after Los Angeles County passed new requirements for pornographic performers, the porn industry has spread to nearby counties like Ventura County and much of the filming is done via AirBnB. The irony of the gig economy supporting another gig economy business isn’t lost on me. More adult entertainment industry related posts here. I wouldn’t be surprised if film and TV didn’t follow suit for non-studio shoots
WhatsApp to end support for BlackBerry, Nokia, and other older operating systems by the end of 2016 | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Paul Sawers – WhatsApp is to cease support for a number of operating systems by the end of 2016, the company announced yesterday. This is the point at which the old mobile eco-system finally handed over to Android and iOS
Disney World and Disneyland Introduce Demand-Based Pricing | TIME – there is only so far that you can go with sophisticated queue engineering and Disney’s moves indicated that it has tapped out service design innovation
Norway Becomes First NATO Country To Accuse China of Stealing Military Secrets – what’s interesting is why they’ve gone there.
The art of wellbeing at work | McKinsey – modern technology apparently leaves us exhausted, eerily prescient when one things about Zoom and similar app adoption (PDF)
Music’s Role In Digital Content Is Small And Shrinking | Music Industry Blog – and the music industry’s major labels only has itself to blame