Search results for: “qualcomm”

  • Qualcomm licensing + more

    Judge Koh: Qualcomms Licensing Practices Destroyed Competition, Harmed Consumers – Disruptive Competition Project – as best as I can understand this, the analogy of Intel and AMD comes to mind in terms of the kind of case Judge Koh has described her thoughts. But the case is different which is what makes this a bit…

  • The Apple – Qualcomm deal post

    The Apple and Qualcomm deal ceased legal hostilities and lots of people have kicked around theories. But no one seems to definitively know what happened. And what the implications are for Apple.

  • Qualcomm smart speaker platform + more

    Qualcomm smart speaker platform for AI-enabled devices – Business Insider – will Qualcomm attract the same developer community as Amazon’s Alexa has? The Qualcomm smart speaker platform will find it hard to get audiences wanting high quality audio as Apple found out with the first generation HomePod. It won’t only be Qualcomm chips that boost…

  • Qualcomms new chipset + more things

    Qualcomms new chipset allows cars to communicate with each other | SiliconAngle – Qualcomms new chipset shows an ambition that isn’t written in stone. Qualcomm has a serious partnership problem and the auto industry should consider carefully before letting them inside their supply chain. More on Qualcomm here Tech companies spend more on R&D than any…

  • Qualcomm China problems + more

    How Qualcomm China Problems Could Hit Xiaomi – WSJ – likely to start Chinese device maker patent war. Qualcomm China problems are an example of China’s technology ambitions and China’s strategy of war by other means. Qualcomm China problems are likely to be the start of a gradual attempt at eroding Qualcomm’s innovation base. More on…

  • May 2024 newsletter – no. 10

    May 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my May 2024 newsletter, I hope that you’re looking forward to the spring bank holiday, unfortunately if like me you’re in the UK – then that was the last public holiday before the end of August. This newsletter which marks my 10th issue. I wasn’t certain that I would…

  • April 2024 newsletter – no. 9

    April 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my April 2024 newsletter which marks my 9th issue. We managed to make it through the winter and the clocks moved forward allowing for lighter evenings in the northern hemisphere. The number nine is full of symbolism in a good way. In Chinese culture it sounds similar to long-lasting.…

  • Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism

    Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism by Angela Zhang sounds exceptionally dry to the uninitiated. Zhang is a senior legal academic who works at the University of Hong Kong, which until recently got a front row seat to China disputes with both the European Union and the United States. Given the recent changes in Hong Kong where she…

  • Brand clichés

    Brand clichés have been in the background of my career in agencies, all the way through. I am sure that brand clichés will continue long after my career is over. I started off writing copy for technology clients. Short pithy marketing copy and longer thought leadership pieces, opinion editorials and white papers. Back when I…