Category: japan |日本 | 일본

  • Innovation signalling

    What is innovation signalling? Innovation signalling has some similarities with its counterpart virtue signalling in terms of authenticity in terms of behaviour and the projected image. An organisation looks to demonstrate its ‘high degree’ of innovation with actions and projects with the external image firmly in mind. There may be an internal learning, or business…

  • Technonationalism

    Technonationalism as a term has started to spring up in Chinese policy discussions regarding technology trade with the US and China. Technonationalism origins Technonationalism is a term used by economist Robert Reich in 1987 to describe the relationship between technology and national security. Reich used the term in an article that he wrote for The…

  • FOOH (and John Holmes)

    The inspiration for this post on FOOH (fake out of home advertising) was Ryan Wallman’s marketing predictions for 2024 on LinkedIn. In particular two of his five predictions 2. Someone will post a viral ad that is a) fake and b) terrible. Hundreds of people will comment: ‘Genius!” 5. Marketers will try to emulate the…

  • January 2024 newsletter – this makes a half dozen

    January 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my January 2024 newsletter which marks my 6th issue – bringing us to a half dozen issues in total. Here’s a quick video introduction that I recorded with HeyGen. Dozen as a word in the English language comes from the french douzaine – meaning an assembly of 12 things…

  • Padel + more things

    Padel The racket sport padel seems to have got the zeitgeist, if not the player numbers yet. We haven’t really seen a surge in sports fads since the 1980s. During that time skateboarding rose from a peak in the late 1970s, to a more stable underground sport that we have today. The closure of a…

  • Loneliness

    This post on loneliness came about from an insight journey I took for a prospective project aimed at generation Z. Don’t get me started on defining an audience by generation, or I will go off-topic and not be back for a while while I rant about how life stages are a superior lens. But we…

  • Pebble

    It took me a little while to write this post on Pebble. Pebble was a start-up that looked to build a more civil microblogging platform than Twitter. Unfortunately it closed on November 1, 2023. It supported 280 character posts, replies and messages. The staff validated prominent users such as journalist accounts. The service had its…

  • SCART + more things

    SCART I had used SCART for a long time. The large parallel port plugs and stiff coaxial cables that looked as if they were limbs that had fallen of a cyberpunk twisted oak, were just part of the living room. Even if you hadn’t looked behind the TV cabinet, you maybe seen them as part…

  • 2023 – that was twenty twenty three

    2023 has been an eventful year. I thought it made sense to go back and reflect on everything that has gone on this year. I was inspired to do this after coming across a similar post that I had done for 2005. Contrary to what much of the tech sector believed just six months earlier,…