Search results for: “hollywood”

  • September 2023 newsletter – the difficult 2nd album

    September 2023 newsletter introduction The September 2023 newsletter time came around quickly. As I write this, it’s almost the end of September and it feels like no time since I curated the last edition. If you’re reading this, and it’s your first time welcome! If you read the pioneer issue; I hope that this isn’t…

  • James A Micheners Writers Handbook

    Late on in his writing career a bestselling author created James A Micheners Writers Handbook. Now the stuff of thrift shops and the ‘for sale’ trolley in your local library, Michener was a bestselling author for over four decades. His paperback books were the size of doorstops, yet were sold in every airport for holiday…

  • Deluxe – how luxury lost it’s lustre

    I had this copy of Deluxe on my shelf for a while and finally managed got round to reading it. Deluxe – how luxury lost its lustre was written by Dana Thomas. Dana knows the subject that she’s talking about. Dana Thomas Dana Thomas is a Paris-based journalist who covered the fashion industry. Thomas started…

  • The Killer

    The media environment that drove the popularity of The Killer Before talking about The Killer, it makes sense to talk about the media landscape. The late 1980s and early 1990s was when consumers first started to buy video films rather than only rent them. Retail video sales had been pioneered in the UK by the…

  • Psychotherapy + culture

    Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is using psychological techniques to to help improve: It can involve sessions that are one on one, or be part of a group experience. Psychotherapy in culture American TV brought the emotional and mental anguish of life into its programming, for instance, this segment from from Thirtysomething. The TV series Frasier put the…

  • Gatekeeping + more things

    Gatekeeping I wish gatekeeping was a thing back in 2005 and 2006 when I was working on the international launch of Yahoo! Answers. The problem that we had was getting people to contribute answers to questions. Gatekeeping and the exhortation to not gate keep is about sharing knowledge and opinions freely – an in real…

  • August 2023 newsletter – the pioneer edition

    August 2023 newsletter The August 2023 newsletter was inspired by LinkedIn’s in-built newsletter function. It’s almost the bank holiday so I thought I would spend some time to try out the newsletter function in LinkedIn. If you’re reading this, you’re a pioneer! If this goes well I will put one out each month. You can…

  • Soccer team acquisitions

    One of the biggest things that have impacted many British people has been overseas money that has resulted in soccer team acquisitions. There is a certain irony in someone like myself who isn’t that emotionally invested in sport writing about the impact of soccer team acquisions – but maybe my view from the outside in…

  • Æon Flux + more things

    Æon Flux Æon Flux’s surprisingly modern take on privacy and surveillance. | Slate – Æon Flux was a name that I hadn’t heard in at least a decade. I remember when it came out as I enjoyed cable TV in our student house. It fitted in with the wider cyber culture. The big beats and…