Category: spain | 西班牙 |스페인 | スペイン

  • Apple Ireland + more things

    Apple, Ireland and the Spanish connection – RTÉ News – interesting article on how the Irish government and Apple may appeal the EU tax ruling. Apple Ireland was one of the first technology companies to set up shop, so it’s symbolism is as important as its economic impact. More on Ireland related topics here. Why are…

  • Spain – Madrid trip

    Impressions of Spain I got to form some initial impressions of Spain. It has been a while since I have travelled and got to spend more than a flying visit. I got to spend some time in Madrid. Madrid sits on a high arid plain that is cold in winter and hot and dry in…

  • Time lapse & things this week

    I don’t know what it was about this week, but I ended up looking at a whole pile of time lapse videos. These videos have become much more accessible. Modern smartphones have it as a standard feature, it has become easier to do time lapse video with professional photography equipment. Cheap time lapse timers are…

  • Copper & more news

    Copper China’s giant pile of copper is inflating its credit bubble | Quartz – China’s import data surprised many today when it revealed that its traders bought 397,459 tonnes (438,124 tons) of refined copper in January, just shy of the record 406,937 tonnes imported in December 2011, and up 63.5% on January 2012. I would…

  • Roaringwild + more news

    Roaringwild ROARINGWILD ONLINE STORE – Roaringwild is a Shenzhen-based streetwear brand. Roaringwild is part of a wider domestic streetwear eco-system including Shanghai label Colorbaner. Although it is streetwear, it is a world away from the collage and naturalistic handwriting style. Instead it takes a minimal futuristic approach. There are references Roaringwild pieces to Dieter Rams…

  • Goretex + more news

    Goretex Gore-Tex Under Siege from Waterproof Fabric Newcomers | – interesting how Goretex waterproof fabric stranglehold mirrors Microsoft’s position in the technology sector. Goretex was historically under threat from a number of systems that had varying degrees of impact. Hipora is a silicon coating structure invented by Korean firm Kolon, Schoeller’s C change which…

  • Intellectual property and the EU

    Intellectual property legislation has been in the news for the past few weeks as years of lobbying by industry bodies like the RIAA, MPAA and the IFPI have hit a consumer road block. In the UK, the Digital Economy Act which was largely due to the work of the lobbying team at the BPI squeezed…

  • Microsoft IE + other news

    Microsoft IE It is hard to explain how dominant Microsoft IE or Internet Explorer was for online access. For years Microsoft IE was the tip of a range of technologies that integrated with online experiences that sustained Windows dominance. I was a late adapter to online banking since for years my bank required the use…

  • Curb on charges + other news

    Vodafone – Vodafone slams curb on rates – The curb on rates is complex. I agree with Vodafone that consumers would not like to pay to receive calls as well as paying to make them – this would bring the UK more in line with the US experience. However, I can understand why a…