Search results for: “android”

  • Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? by Philip K Dick and Tony Parker

    Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep Like many people I was drawn to Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep by the film adaptation Blade Runner. I originally read the paperback book and found it less satisfying. It is one of the few cases where cinema did a better job than the source material, even though…

  • Android to iPhone & more

    Daring Fireball | U.S. Army Special Operations Switching From Android To iPhone – interesting comments on OS stability, from Android to iPhone,  more on security related stories here.  Digibarn Stories: Rob Barnaby and WordStar and much more (June 2008) – Barnaby’s ability to code in assembly was legendary – seems especially insane now when languages like Swift are…

  • Android device fragmentation + more

    Android Sales: Guess how many Android devices are available for sale | BGR – 18,000 different types of Android devices which is an insane amount of device fragmentation. Imagine the pain in Android device testing needed and that isn’t even getting into different app stores and non-Google Android devices –  a la Russia and China. More…

  • Modified android phones & other news

    Google Under Pressure as Modified Android Phones Take Off | TheNextWeb – 20 per cent sounds on the low side to me for modified Android phones. Why would you need modified Android variants?  You have modified Android phones because Google services are basically unuseable in China and North Korea. Amazon’s Fire phone and tablets are…

  • Android moves to life OS

    If you read the Telegraph online last Wednesday 25th or the Financial Times on Thursday 26th June,   you would have seen some great coverage about Google’s developer conference with Android’s move to become a life OS. There was also coverage about the corresponding rise of the Android economy in the UK. Like iOS and web development, software and services…

  • Android differentiation

    I decided to write on my story  onAndroid differentiation after careful consideration. On one hand I didn’t want the companies involved to suffer because one executive had a loud mouth. On the other hand it raised interesting questions about the state of the Android eco-system. So I decided at the time to thinly veil the…

  • Brand clichés

    Brand clichés have been in the background of my career in agencies, all the way through. I am sure that brand clichés will continue long after my career is over. I started off writing copy for technology clients. Short pithy marketing copy and longer thought leadership pieces, opinion editorials and white papers. Back when I…

  • Pipes by Yahoo

    I discovered something at the end of last year. The belatedly missed Yahoo Pipes was, in fact, officially called “Pipes by Yahoo.” I made that mistake, despite being well-versed in the brand guidelines, having spent a year working there with a copy consistently at my side. Now, why this journey down the memory superhighway? That’s…

  • Guided by ideology + more things

    Guided by ideology China’s rule is described by the German government as guided by ideology. Germany has pulled away from its historic strategy due to China’s approach being guided by ideology. The classification of systemic rival due to China’s guided by ideology approach sets the German government against pro-China businesses including BASF, Daimler-Benz, Deutsche Telekom…