Search results for: “darpa”

  • Gatekeeping + more things

    Gatekeeping I wish gatekeeping was a thing back in 2005 and 2006 when I was working on the international launch of Yahoo! Answers. The problem that we had was getting people to contribute answers to questions. Gatekeeping and the exhortation to not gate keep is about sharing knowledge and opinions freely – an in real…

  • NCNRs + more stuff

    NCNRs Industry Structure: Fabs are in Favor – LTAs are the Tell – Fabricated Knowledge had this interesting article on the role of NCNRs – which means non cancelable, non refundable orders. Chip foundries have to spend an enormous amount of money to be at the cutting edge of manufacturing. They also need to retain…

  • Female voices impact + more news

    Pinay female voices power The Philippines’ secret weapon against Chinese incursions | The Economist – having women radio operators seem to be more successful and less likely to rise tensions, seems to be down to training and the nature of female voices. It reminded me of how early HCI experiments by DARPA found that jet…

  • PostScript + more things

    PostScript Adobe is dropping PostScript Type 1 font support. Be prepared for the change – huge move, given the amount of time that PostScript had been at the centre of design and print. There must be brands out there still using Type 1 fonts for standard print design work that haven’t changed style in 30…

  • US military right to repair + more

    Here’s One Reason the US Military Can’t Fix Its Own Equipment – The New York Times – the irony of the US military being restricted by US legislation and lack of ‘right to repair’. US military withdrawal from R&D hasn’t help things either. DARPA does pure research, but the focus on COTS (commercial off the…

  • This wasn’t the internet we envisaged

    The debate over privacy on Facebook got me thinking about the internet we envisaged. Reading media commentary on Tim Cook’s recent address at Duke University prodded me into action. What do I mean by we? I mean the people who: Wrote about the internet from the mid-1990s onwards Developed services during web 1.0 and web…

  • Pornographers + more news

    Pornographers and social search Can These Pornographers End ‘MILFs,’ ‘Teens,’ and ‘Thugs’? | The Nation – when I was working on social search and folksonomies at Yahoo! a decade ago, yet pornographers are now amongst the most active users of the technology. A few things about how the pornographers worlds have changed. At the centre…

  • Sailfish OS + more things

    Jolla raises $12 million to continue developing Sailfish OS | – glad that they found funding, but things will be a lot tougher with AndroidOne’s progress and Cyanogen getting their act together with their geo-licences. Hopefully Sailfish OS will find the market share that it deserves. More wireless-related posts here. PLOS ONE: Tracking Protests Using…

  • Learning machines discussion

    Why learning machines? Simply because I don’t want to get into an argument of what an AI actually is, so hence the title change – but interesting watching. The Churchill Club manage to get top drawer panelists for this session on learning machines Yoshua Bengio, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Universite de…