Search results for: “watches”

  • Smartwatches & more news

    Smartwatches Let’s Face It: Smartwatches Are Dead | Variety – interesting that Variety covered smartwatches. Apple is king of smartwatches. That market is at best immature, at worst dead in the water. Of course all this could change in an instant with a compelling use smartwatches case from a killer app – rather like Apple’s…

  • On smart watches, I’ve decided to take the plunge

    I have long thought on smart watches as a possible useful device. So I have decided to take the plunge into wearables. My previous attempt with the Nike Fuelband didn’t go very well as I seemed to break them with frightening regularity and never really learned much from the experience apart from Nike can’t build…

  • May 2024 newsletter – no. 10

    May 2024 newsletter introduction Welcome to my May 2024 newsletter, I hope that you’re looking forward to the spring bank holiday, unfortunately if like me you’re in the UK – then that was the last public holiday before the end of August. This newsletter which marks my 10th issue. I wasn’t certain that I would…

  • Omakase and luxury futures

    Omakase and luxury seem made for each other. Think about the core elements of omakase: As a trend omakase has expanded geographically with Japanese cuisine. But it has also expanded in terms of categories covered. Koreans have taken omakase and pushed it into other areas: So how can omakase and luxury come together in the…

  • Boutique e-tailers

    The luxury sector is undergoing a transformation, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the world of boutique e-tailers. I am of a generation that grew up with boutiques, carefully curated fashion looks from multiple brands. Exclusive As a child, my Mam would get me jumpers as I grew up from different small stores…

  • Watch registry

    Over the past few years we’ve seen a plethora of watch registry platforms spring up. There have been a number of reasons for this happening: European Union regulations The European Commission Health and Digital Executive agency have been championing the idea of digital product passports across a range of sectors including textiles and various manufactured…

  • 2023 – that was twenty twenty three

    2023 has been an eventful year. I thought it made sense to go back and reflect on everything that has gone on this year. I was inspired to do this after coming across a similar post that I had done for 2005. Contrary to what much of the tech sector believed just six months earlier,…

  • Beep

    In Canada, as with other countries a beep electronic sound punctuated the correct time. In Canada, this is called the long dash because of its extended tone. In the UK and Ireland I have heard it called the ‘pips‘ three short beeps instead. Consistency and precision Before we had precise time mediated by a beep;…

  • The Whole Earth Catalogue + more things

    The Whole Earth Catalogue The Whole Earth Catalogue was a publication that sat at the centre of so many movements over the past six decades and its influence is still with us today. The publication was founded by Stewart Brand in 1968. Brand had been a participant in the counterculture and environment movement that sprang…