Category: ireland | 愛爾蘭| 아일랜드 | アイルランド

  • Sun Microsystems + other news

    Sun Microsystems Oracle in shock $5.6 billion takeover of Sun – Computer Business Review : News – Sun Microsystems is a Silicon Valley icon. Cisco built their first routers around a Sun Microsystems motherboard. Dot com companies hosted their fledgling online businesses on Sun Microsystems servers. Quant analysts in banks built their models on Sun…

  • 50 books I can recommend

    50 books I can recommend was inspired to write this after having read Zen Habits 50 Amazing and Essential Novels To Enrich Your Library. However it would be presumptious of me to assume that your personal collection of books needed enriching through my intercession, so I decided to choice a more humble title. Some of…

  • James Earl Jones + more news

    James Earl Jones James Earl Jones has one of the most distinctive voices in the entertainment industry as you can hear in this Sesame Street clip. You might recognise from his appearance in Conan the Barbarian film, but James Earl Jones has a surprising variety in his career across film, television and stage performance. James…

  • Curb on charges + other news

    Vodafone – Vodafone slams curb on rates – The curb on rates is complex. I agree with Vodafone that consumers would not like to pay to receive calls as well as paying to make them – this would bring the UK more in line with the US experience. However, I can understand why a…

  • Ireland by Frank Delaney

    Frank Delaney’s Ireland was one of the most enjoyable books that I have read in a long time. The book has been compared to James Michener‘s books and Alex Haley’s Roots – fiction based on history with more elemental truths in it than most non-fiction. The book is complex and multi-layered, but easy-to-read. The story focuses…

  • Barcode turns 30

    The Boston Globe online has a mildly interesting article about the UPC (universal product code) or barcode that graces all our groceries. They give a potted history of the code and mention the various urban myths that rose around it including: The article goes on about the inventory savings items, but neglects to mention other…