Search results for: “huawei smartphone”
Huawei expansion into smartphone market
Huawei expansion into smartphone market has started to be reflected int their released their annual results for 2015 last week. By going through their press release library and annual reports I have tried to piece together a picture of their consumer business and how it has grown over time. Huawei isn’t like other businesses you…
The smartphone market and Huawei
It is hard for anyone reading the media to believe that Huawei’s rise in the smartphone market was anything short of miraculous. In reality the roots of this rise go back at least six years. Back in 2010, Huawei was already shipping 3,000,000 smartphones. However since that time, the year-on-year percentage growth in consumer devices…
Car into a smartphone + more
Horace Dediu on the transformation of the car into a smartphone. Turning a car into a smartphone isn’t a technology revolution that particularly excites me. I prefer things that can kill me to be using highly reliable real time operating systems with no real time network connectivity – if they have to run software at…
The insiders guide to smartphone launches
MWC is one of the key dates in the diary for smartphone launches by manufacturers. Apple marches to the beat of its own drum, but Android manufacturers try and go close to MWC: The reason why they go to MWC is that it has a critical mass of journalists in Barcelona covering bigger impact stories.…
Is there a luxury smartphone segment?
There are luxury smartphones, but is there a meaningful luxury smartphone segment? From Apple’s iPhone price inflation to Huawei and Blackberry’s Porsche Design devices, manufacturers have looked to cater to a ‘luxury’ consumer. Prior to this is you had the Vertu phone with its concierge service and niche players like Goldvish catering for the the…
Chinese smartphone eco-system for beginners
Ok this isn’t the most technical video in terms of its review of the Chinese smartphone eco-system and it doesn’t touch on the WeChat eco-system, but its a good introductory video for westerners by Winston Sterzel, a YouTuber living in Shenzhen. It focuses on only the top domestic Chinese smartphone brands. If I was looking…
Samsung smartphone + more
Samsung smartphone sales Samsung Smartphone Sales – Korean analysts report that the Galaxy S8 is Selling 20% below last year’s S7 – not terribly surprising. The market is mature and Samsung smartphone sales will be losing ground to the Chinese Android players like OnePlus, Huawei and ZTE. Samsung smartphone sales are caught between two prongs.…
The return of Radio Rentals in the smartphone era
I haven’t thought about Radio Rentals and its ilk in years. But I started to think of them again with this post. The idea came out of a couple of conversations that I had over the past few months. What is Radio Rentals? Radio Rentals is one of a number of brands (Martin Dawes, Granada,…
Smartphone value system
Benedict Evans in his post Unbundling innovation: Samsung, PCs and China compared the value system of smartphone industry to the PC industry where value began to be hollowed out and the market became commoditised. Evans claims that this hollowing out of the value system is already happening to Samsung. Part of the challenge is that…