Search results for: “machine learning”

  • Machine learning powered services + more

    Machine learning powered services Intelligent Relations – Matt Muir nails this in his take down of their machine learning powered media relations platform – Vapid, largely-pointless busywork which despite its almost universal lack of import is nonetheless treated by its practitioners as somehow REALLY VITAL and with a reverence normally reserved for stuff that matters…

  • Machine learning sublime influence

    Scott Galloway talks about the way brands are using AI (machine learning) and the examples are very much in the background.  Welcome to the sublime world of machine learning where the impact on the customer experience won’t be apparent. In many respects this is similar to how fuzzy logic became invisible as it was introduced…

  • Learning machines discussion

    Why learning machines? Simply because I don’t want to get into an argument of what an AI actually is, so hence the title change – but interesting watching. The Churchill Club manage to get top drawer panelists for this session on learning machines Yoshua Bengio, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Universite de…

  • End of culture

    This post on the end of culture as inspired by a presentation. Pip Bingemann of presented at Cannes in Cairns – a marketing festival for Australians who wouldn’t be able to go to the Cannes Festival of Advertising. Pip’s presentation touched with things I had seen about the end of culture and had some interesting…

  • IT director powers up + more stuff

    The IT director is seeing a return to power and its thanks to the power of hackers and AI. The smartphone, the resurgence of Apple and SaaS saw IT decisions become more organic thanks to increased access to online services that provided better features than traditional enterprise software companies and the rise of knowledge working.…

  • AI two-step

    The phrase AI two-step is something I first heard from my friend Antony Mayfield. He used it to talk about how companies were adopting the latest developments in AI for business processes. And then reduce headcount to reflect the newly AI derived tasks instead. The AI two-step isn’t necessarily a new concept, companies like Pegasystems…

  • Technonationalism

    Technonationalism as a term has started to spring up in Chinese policy discussions regarding technology trade with the US and China. Technonationalism origins Technonationalism is a term used by economist Robert Reich in 1987 to describe the relationship between technology and national security. Reich used the term in an article that he wrote for The…

  • Sponsorship + more things

    Sponsorship Sports has created a sponsorship bonanza, with women’s sport being a particular beneficiary – Women’s elite sports to generate more than $1 billion in revenue in 2024 | Deloitte UK. For some brands sponsorships aid in research and product development, motorsport and mountaineering are two sports where this the case. Other sponsorship deals, for…

  • Humane AI pin + more things

    Humane AI pin The Humane AI pin has been hyped for a while. Now it’s been launched as a product with what seems to be a small initial batch based on a waiting list and drop type distribution model. I thought I would wait a bit to post on the Humane AI pin and let…