Category: china | 中國 | 중국 | 中華

  • Asian Godfathers by Joe Studwell

    I’d read Joe Studwell’s How Asia Works over lunar new year so Asian Godfathers was an obvious follow-on. Studwell dealt directly with the reasons for East Asia’s economic growth and Southeast Asia’s failing to follow them. Studwell attached this same subject through through a different lens. Studwell looks at it through the lens of the business community in…

  • Toshiba chip sale + more news

    Exclusive: Japan to vet bidders in Toshiba chip sale for national security risks – sources | Reuters – I could understand that Japan probably doesn’t want China dicking them around on the Toshiba chip sale. China would happy interfere with the Toshiba chip sale, because of the pathological hatred Chinese authoritarian nationalism holds for Japan. Also…

  • Dmoz + more news

    Dmoz RIP Dmoz: The Open Directory Project is closing | SearchEngineLand – the demise of Dmoz is probably only of interest to old school web users who had used search directories before search engines became more effective and SEO people. Directories and their taxonomies were the search engines of yore. Back when I worked at…

  • Have we reached peak streetwear?

    At the end of January I wrote a blog post about the landmark luxe streetwear collection by Louis Vuitton and Supreme. I delved into the history of streetwear and the deep connection it shared with luxury brands. This linkage came from counterfeit products, brand and design language appropriation. This all came from a place of…

  • Snoopers charter + more news

    Snoopers Charter UK Snoopers Charter gagging order drafted for London Internet Exchange directors • The Register – the original snoopers charter aka the Interception Modernisation Programme was proposed by the last Labour administration and was opposed vociferously by the Conservatives and the other opposition parties. Now you have the Conservatives who pushed through the near…

  • The end of employees + more

    The end of employees The End of Employees – WSJ – temp agencies, zero-hour contracts, outsourcing, asset-light businesses, focusing on core competences etc etc all driven by revenue per employee metrics. The end of employees is about financial engineering, it is an example of late stage capitalism. You can thank McKinsey & Company for the…

  • Pro Brexit town + more news

    Pro Brexit town  Welcome to the most pro Brexit town in Britain | FT – One thickset Lithuanian man asked why English people did not seem to like foreign workers. “They complain about us,” he said. “But why they not do the work?” – A lot of small towns dominated by food production, warehousing or agriculture became a…

  • How Asia Works and reading over Chinese New Year

    I have managed to catch up on a lot of reading over the Lunar New Year festival. Joe Studwell’s How Asia Works is fascinating reading. It talks about how Korea, Japan and China have grown while their counterparts haven’t. Studwell highlights a number of factors that contribute to economic growth: With an agrian economy, a market…

  • Louis Vuitton, Supreme: streetwear & luxury brands

    The recent collaboration between New York’s Supreme and Louis Vuitton seems like a natural fit.  The reality is that luxury and streetwear have been dancing around each other for a good while. Snide started it all Snide was slang in the 1980s for fake or counterfeit. Hip Hop and the Caribbean-influenced Buffalo movement in the…