Category: ideas | 想法 | 생각 | 考える

  • Politics of history + more things

    The Politics of History: Why Anniversaries Matter in China | Macro Polo – great reading Liu Cixin’s War of the Worlds | The New Yorker – interesting reading material about China and the US. Read this in concert with the Macro Polo article on the politics of history On the Mac Pro, the G4 Cube…

  • Creativity in data

    I had the honour of being part of a panel for the PRCA on the creativity in data run in association with The Work Crowd. Here was the synopsis of the panel discussion that the PRCA put out. Communications is frequently seen as all about ‘big ideas’. But increasingly, it’s being recognised that to develop…

  • Digital Rx + more things

    Digital Rx – JWT Intelligence – Digital Rx covers a wide range of services from telemedicine to AI mediated diagnosis and everything in between. Pharmaceutical companies are looking a digital companion app functionality to help keep patient adherence high. I only hope that they’re not as much of a car crash as the first lot…

  • Tide Super Bowl ads + more

    Tide Super Bowl Campaign A little bit old, but this Mark Ritson advertising case study of Tide Super Bowl campaign is must watch material. I like the Tide Super Bowl campaign as creative and media planning came together. The ad industry insider in me liked the way the Tide Super Bowl campaign spoofed various genres…

  • Beauty trends

    Beauty trends is a bit tricky – there are generational and cultural aspects to beauty and standards. I’ve tried to tease out elements that will ripple around the world. Digital Beauty Chinese women use Meitu and other beauty apps to present the best versions of themselves with a virtual makeover. This goes from skin quality,…

  • Immediacy as a problem

    Immediacy is a relatively recent phenomena for consumers. It has changed the work and personal lives of consumers. It has eroded the barrier between work life and home life. It has redefined our support networks and friendships. Before I wrote this post, I had conversation with a friend working on a project in Singapore who’d…

  • Innovation in hardware + more

    Innovation in hardware How Streetwear Is Driving Innovation in Hardware | HYPEBEAST – the innovation in hardware that Hypebeast is concerned about is fasteners clips and connectors in clothing and accessories. Some streetwear brands are using zips in a similar way to Vivienne Westwood during punk. They are borrowing from technical clothing, military gear and…

  • Kraft mothers day marketing + more

    Kraft Mothers Day marketing Kraft’s marketing has left a lot to be desired in the past couple of years partly due to the way the brand has implemented ZBB, but the Kraft Mothers day campaign running in the US is genius. It is a brave campaign that could fail due to wokeness or social conservatism.…

  • Agnotology + more things

    Agnotology and Epistemological Fragmentation – Data & Society: Points – well worth a good read. Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. This reminded me a lot of work that was done by large corporates on tobacco health and more recently…