1 minutes estimated reading time
Digital Rx – JWT Intelligence – Digital Rx covers a wide range of services from telemedicine to AI mediated diagnosis and everything in between. Pharmaceutical companies are looking a digital companion app functionality to help keep patient adherence high. I only hope that they’re not as much of a car crash as the first lot of apps like Babylon Health
China’s new creatives – JWT Intelligence – This new wave of consumers recognizes China’s rising economic status and thus possesses an acute sense of national pride; no longer are they reliant on Western fashion brands and influence to define how they express themselves as individuals. Yet the world is small, and despite crackdowns on international cultural imports like hip-hop and K-pop, there are echoes in China of what defines Gen Z tastes abroad in the streetwear, beauty, art, luxury and online landscapes. This is channeled through a powerful new creative lens
High-art airports – JWT Intelligence – air travel need to lift its image after the TSA experience post 9/11 and discount airlines dragged it into the gutter
Making Connections: 53 Teenagers Suggest Creative Ways to Link School Curriculum to the World of 2019 – The New York Times – great reading (paywall)
Empire.Kred | Grow your Social Audience – gaming Facebook likes to drive engagement numbers. Not great for marketers but might benefit media companies on Facebook in terms of impact on reach
Disgraced Korean Air Heiress Regains Executive Job – The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea – Business > Business – surprised that they’ve pushed this through so fast
Japan’s Hometown Tax | Kalzumeus Software – one of the best examples of cultural insight led marketing campaigns
Agencies must redress decoupling damage | WARC – creative opportunities are lost without media thinking and media thinking needs to incorporate context that is so important for creative. Media also needs to fix basic hygiene issues
Code Red | Logic Magazine – the nature of Chinese innovation versus US innovation