Search results for: “combini”

  • iPhone X launch + more things

    iPhone X launch In terms of the news agenda, the iPhone X launch dominated the news. I wrote about it here and here.  This image from the Chinese internet summed everything about the iPhone X launch up for me. We’re in a place of innovation stuckness at the moment – we’re celebrating incremental improvements in…

  • LINE tries to crack US + more things

    LINE Tries to Crack US Messaging… With a Times Square Store for Plush Toys? – this isn’t about LINE trying to crack the US market its about reaching an international audience for Brown and Co. Think of LINE as a ‘Sanrio’ analogue with a technology company attached when it comes to markets like the US.…

  • Hacks and Hackers notes

    I went to the Hacks and Hackers London presentations this evening host at the Institute of Directors and here is a summary of the notes that I made. Presenting at Hacks and Hackers this time was: Simon Rogers Kate Day Simon Rogers is ex-Guardian and Twitter. He talked about how Google uses Google Trends, combining…

  • Beehives + more news

    Melixa | Innovative smart beehives for remote monitoring – beehives as smart cities for bees. I wonder if this is will do anything for colony collapse disorder (CCD) ravaging beehives around the world. Google combining Android and Chrome is bad for developers – Business Insider – my problem with tablets is their ‘lugablity’. I found the original…

  • Nielsen TV data + more things

    Facebook and Google, Two Giants in Digital Ads, Seek More – The New York Times – Facebook combining Nielsen TV data, treating its ads like TV. and Google plays catch-up with targeting by email address. I think that this doesn’t make a lot of sense from a data perspective. But I can understand why Nielsen TV…

  • What does technology adoption really mean?

    I ended up giving a lot of thought about the concept of technology adoption and what it really means. I have been spending a bit of time with the family over the Christmas period as the Carroll family CTO. Reading some of the statistics out there about technology adoption got me thinking whilst I was…

  • Vice TV news

    Over the past few weeks I have been watching the team at Vice magazine’s new TV documentary series. The content is familiar territory to people who have watched the Vice YouTube channel, just the segments are joined up into cohesive themes. At the beginning of each episode you can hear Shane Smith introduce the programme…