Category: media | 媒體 | 미디어 | メディア

  • Rediscovering Quora + more

    Probably the biggest thing that happened was me rediscovering Quora the question-and-answer network. I replied to a question ‘What are the major reasons behind Yahoo’s drastic downfall?‘ and then republished it as a blog post with a few more bits and bobs. Traffic blew up on the post when Dave Farber published a link to…

  • Bury the hatchet tech style + more

    Google and Microsoft bury the hatchet | Techeye – this is potentially huge. Especially if Microsoft is considering itself to be less of an OS business and more of an enabler. There is also a certain irony in this behaviour from Microsoft. Previously companies like Sendo and Nortel usually found when Microsoft bury the hatchet, it…

  • Yahoo’s downfall

    I’ve seen a lot written about Yahoo’s downfall. Most of it lacks insight. And at the most basic level lacks precision. Yahoo is an employee who works at Yahoo! or Y! (the Y-bang). It was the best culture I ever worked in; and the most dysfunctional company that I ever worked for. I got to…

  • Evolution of search

    Danny Sullivan did a talk a few years ago on the evolution of search, it’s worthwhile taking 9 minutes out as he plots it: Library/librarian – whilst web search has become ubiquitous there are still people graduating from library studies courses. The role of librarian still brings a lot to the table The electronic catalogue…

  • Thin film electronics + more things

    Coal redefined for thin film electronics | Electronics EETimes – sounds like a graphene connection. Thin film electronics is going to be key for wearables Web Summit 2016 | Approach to marketing – it does beg the question why should a marketer support this and go to their conference? The VR idea maze — Benedict Evans – worthwhile…

  • WeChat payments + more things

    WeChat payments and wallet function brought to the international version of WeChat with its last version update, but I only noticed it this week. Does this mean that WeChat is now putting all the pieces in place before they get serious about an international market push? They are already trying to get foreign credit card…

  • Integrated agency wins

    I started thinking about integrated agency wins when I read that Asda appointed Publicis after a short pitch process this week. What was notable about the win was that it covered both creative and media briefs. Notable enough to become a conversation topic when I met up with industry friends for coffee. Integrated wins are…

  • Facebook Live + more things

    Facebook live A Facebook live streaming service (a la U-Stream and YouTube) was newly launched this week. You can stream on your page or in-group. There is a map to discover streams going on in realtime. I already  found one seminar by Nu-Skin a multi-level marketer of wellness and beauty products in Hong Kong as an…

  • Hacks and Hackers notes

    I went to the Hacks and Hackers London presentations this evening host at the Institute of Directors and here is a summary of the notes that I made. Presenting at Hacks and Hackers this time was: Simon Rogers Kate Day Simon Rogers is ex-Guardian and Twitter. He talked about how Google uses Google Trends, combining…