Search results for: “neal stephenson”

  • Tide Super Bowl ads + more

    Tide Super Bowl Campaign A little bit old, but this Mark Ritson advertising case study of Tide Super Bowl campaign is must watch material. I like the Tide Super Bowl campaign as creative and media planning came together. The ad industry insider in me liked the way the Tide Super Bowl campaign spoofed various genres…

  • Tony Kaye + more things

    Director Tony Kaye happy to be working and out of ‘Hollywood jail’ | The Drum  – He says that a story arc doesn’t really matter in six seconds. “I think you can throw anything at it, as long as it’s quite clear what it’s for. If you’re working under 20 minutes, in my opinion, you don’t…

  • Interface design

    Interface design This reflection on interface design has taken a while to write. When I started we were on the cusp of Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference. If you’re interested in technology, but aren’t an Apple fan it still matters as it sets the agenda. Apple’s moves affect wearables, smartphones, tablets and OTT (over the top)…

  • True Names by Vernor Vinge

    I was inspired to read True Names by a podcast. New York Times journalist John Markoff was interviewed by Kara Swisher on the Recode podcast in February and talked about reading science fiction to better understand how technology is likely to affect us. It’s actually a great piece of advice. Back in the day, large…

  • Power consumption + more

    Power consumption Daring Fireball: Safari vs. Chrome: Power Consumption – interesting article power consumption. Power consumption has come a long way, when I got my first laptop, an old Apple PowerBook 165, it would last me a couple of hours in the university library if I wasn’t able to find a power outlet. With the first…

  • Seabasing

    In a tale of fact imitating fiction the US Navy is looking at ways to support the military in future conflicts by creating bases which allow ships to act as a combined space, which they call sea basing (or seabasing). The reason for this is in battles with the likes of China they may not…

  • 2014 crystal ball gazing: how did I do?

    2014 crystal ball gazing 2014 crystal ball gazing was a culmination of thinking that I have been doing on where digital is going. For the past few years I have been thinking about where digital is going and what it all means. At the end of last year here were my projections. I do realise…

  • Nothing to hide + more news

    Nothing to hide Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance | – both Wired and danah boyd have done great articles about the nothing to hide argument against privacy. The problem with nothing to hide as a framework flips the relationship between governments and their people. People…

  • 7 Eleven Hong Kong + more

    7 Eleven Hong Kong 7 Eleven Hong Kong convenience stores have a nice sideline in phone charms. This video is one of a series that they have put together to promote the Old Hong Kong series of phone charms. The precision of their manufacture reminds me of the toys in Japan’s capsule machines. There is…