Survival of the Fastest
YouTube – survivalofthefastest’s Channel survival of the fastest offers a unique insider perspective on the mad scramble in ad agencies during a recession. How do both staff and agencies adapt in economically straightened times is probed in survival of the fastest.
Analyst: YouTube Will Lose Almost $500 Million This Year – Google’s YouTube may be dominating the online-video market, but that’s not translating into profits — at least not yet. Just how much it’s losing a subject of great debate. In a report today, CreditSuisse analyst Spencer Wang says YouTube’s revenue will jump 20 percent to $240 million, but that the increase will be offset by a staggering $710 million in costs. More than half of that comes from bandwidth costs, which Wang at $360 million.
Google May Buy Twitter. Or Not. But Why is Twitter So Hot?
Hot New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In The Face | The Onion – America’s Finest News – the comic genius of Chris Morris’ Brass Eye has obviously been transplanted to the Onion.
Zoomorama – Tech Crunch Web Trends – I love this diagram, a great example of information architecture
3 Compelling Twitter Visualizations
The dark secrets of Whopper Sacrifice | The Social – CNET News
Hong Kong
How to
Top six mistakes brand new site owners make
4.01pm – the best time to tweet if you want to be noticed » malcolm coles – thanks to Ruby for the heads up on this
Google Trends vs Market Reports: Which is More Accurate, Faster? – ReadWriteWeb
Me the Media – interesting project worth it for the e-book
Computers to read your blog aloud, with emotion, in Japan – it would be cool if your blog could also become a hot-looking killing machine like Cameron in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Digital Piracy’s Spread Prompts Hearing – – this assumes that every developing world pirate sale would be a non-pirate sale and that western consumers don’t preview content on pirate source and then go and experience the legit material – like some academic research seems to indicate media companies are already getting that audience
COLOSSAL CLOTHING – the people who made the Tron jacket for Kanye West
Skype brand guidelines – great example of a brand guidelines
SPINNING AROUND: SURVIVAL OF THE FASTEST … – interesting takes on agency life and the recession
Earning Your Media (continued)
Gawker – Microsoft’s Secret Campaign Against Google Includes CEO’s Ex-Girlfriend – marcy simon
CHART OF THE DAY: Microsoft Online Still In Last Place After All These Years (MSFT)
Epeus’ epigone: WSJ dubbed internet parasite by WSJ editor – Interesting bits: “The Wall Street Journal argues they drive attention to companies, but the whole WSJ sensibility is inimical to traditional brand loyalty,” he said. “The Wall Street Journal encourages exclusivity — and shamelessly so — and therefore a significant proportion of their readers don’t necessarily associate that comment with the interviewee. “Therefore revenue that should be associated with the interviewee is not garnered.” What value is PR activity in gaining WSJ coverage then?
A Whole Lotta Nothing: This is how Social Media really works
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace
New Yahoo Image Search Better Than Google’s – ReadWriteWeb
SPINNING AROUND: THE UK’S TOP MARKETING WEBLOGS – thanks to James and the people at 77PR for continuing to pull together this list. Its a handy way to look for fresh material to put into your RSS reader
Google Korea launched new search services, “Topic search” and “Q&A search” | Korean Insight
Russia may increase oversight of Microsoft | Beyond Binary – CNET News
Why baseball benched Microsoft Silverlight | Digital Media – CNET News – not the most ringing endorsement of Silverlight: the MLB “has an ongoing dispute with Microsoft because of significant problems we encountered last year.” Sounds like an opportunity to sell a client handling skills and conflict mediation course
Digital Domain – Web-Based Competition for Microsoft Word –
joshua’s blog: on url shorteners – some interesting food for thought here