How to on Mac + more things

How to

A couple of Apple related how to articles that deal with some problems that I have been having


The Morrow Project – interesting project by Intel using authors as futurologists

How many of your employees love your products? (And why it matters.) – Empowered – good point. Back in the day one of the first signs that the HP-150 was going to bomb was that no engineer wanted to use it


J-List side blog: Understanding Japan: Tatemae and Honne – interesting aspect of human behaviour. More related content here

Creative Industries (Cool Japan!)/METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry – promoting Japanese sources of soft power


Interview With Cartier’s Nigel Luk on Jewelry Brands Plans for Expansion in China – China Real Time Report – WSJ – interesting insights into the Asian luxury goods market


Why spreadable doesn’t equal viral: A conversation with Henry Jenkins » Nieman Journalism Lab – Jenkin’s concept of spreadable media “is media which travels across media platforms at least in part because the people take it in their own hands and share it with their social networks.”

Big brands focus on customer service – Warc News – cheaper than new customer acquisition


Creative Review – Saville and Kelly’s memorial to Tony Wilson – the debate fired up by Tony Wilson’s headstone designed by Peter Saville and Ben Kelly is as fierce as the debate Mr Wilson prompted in real life. We need more divisive people

Oxford Academics: Web Not To Blame For Newspapers’ Slide | paidContent:UK – business model, not internet responsible for newspaper decline in many countries. No real surprise there

Let me pirate that for you – whatever will they think of next? A metasearch engine to piracy. Whilst it could be of help to media owners trying to get a handle on how far their content has spread I think it will soon be taken down by the RIAA | MPAA

Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientific American – Facebook is the great satan


The Future of Prison Technology: Not As Scary As It Seems? | Fast Company – interesting smart fear of unintentional consequences keeping technology usage very pragmatic

Can Hunch’s Algorithm Improve Your Gift-Giving Skills?: Tech News « – looks like Hunch has managed to move product search forward

Today’s Novell Deal Helps Microsoft Continue Linux Fight – good analysis of the Novell acquisition


Verizon proposes wholesale rewrite of US telecom law — Engadget – no one is happy with the US legislative framework


Snap Bird – search twitter’s history

Free Your Friends’ Contact Info From Facebook’s Grip – currently attempting this and failing miserably