RoomAlive + more things

Microsoft’s ‘RoomAlive’ transforms any room into a giant Xbox game | The Verge – interesting idea, taking immersive experiences to the next level with RoomAlive without the disadvantages of VR goggles, by project mapping over the room instead. More related content here.

Analysis: What’s Next For Waggener Edstrom? | Holmes Report – interesting analysis on WaggEd. An ideal acquisition target for BlueFocus? The agency had stagnated for a long time, despite building (and losing) a deep bench of expertise. Secondly building around a single client like that in the long term means that your margins can get hollowed out for your hero client and your processes warped to handle just one way of working. (Paywall)

The overstated financial impact of Occupy Central | Hong Kong Economic Journal Insight – interesting analysis of the market implications of recent events in Hong Kong

FBI Director: China Has Hacked Every Big US Company | Business Insider – admission that law enforcement is impotent in the face of widespread state actor hacking. Given that security is so lax, this is yet another great argument for strong cryptography on assets. Secondly, it highlights the US inability to fight in this grey space. This tells China that it can operate without cost, which will embolden it to act in more brazen ways.

When review tapes were ‘kind of bicycled around from one TV critic to another’ | Jim Romenesko – two things about this, firstly media being biked around for review. I worked on the launch of IMD in the UK which saw the delivery of digital audio and video to TV and radio stations including advertising assets, music promo videos and tracks. Secondly the way the reviewer talks about his habit for following live events on TVs reminded me of the social channel hopping I do today across Twitter lists

Weibo: TCL dotes on HTC, LinkedIn’s Shen warns of bubble | SCMP – is a tie-up with TCL what HTC needs? TCL already has a plethora of low end phone brands including Philips and Alcatel, HTC might fit into the mid range for them