Jamie Hewlett
Jamie Hewlett was not someone that I would have associated with luxury menswear brand Dunhill. Dunhill have been creating interesting content for a number of years, that used to be accessed through an iPad application and their own site. This interview with Jamie Hewlett is brilliant. Hewlett’s talent as a comic creator developed early with him working in the studios of Bob Godfrey. Godfrey is famous to UK TV watchers for the cartoon series Rhubarb & Custard. After college Jamie Hewlett was recruited for Deadline magazine, which is where his iconic Tank Girl creation was formed and his relationship with Damon Albarn of Gorillaz.
Jamie Hewlett submarined during the 1990s when the underground became mainstream drawing Get The Freebies. Eventually Jamie Hewlett teamed up with Albarn to provide the visual look of The Gorillaz.
Megatrends to reshape China: News from Warc.com
United colours of Beijing | South China Morning Post – graffiti artists in Beijing
Consumer behaviour
Ofcom Report Shows More Kids Than Ever Before Online Using Mobile Devices
CYPHER: Cyberpunk Text Adventure – looks brilliant
BBC News – Pages from Ceefax: Into the archives – nice slideshow of Ceefax. The criticism that the digital service equivalent has received has been interesting and instructive in terms of UX design
A Rare Look At The Eames Office’s Graphic Design | Co.Design
The concept art behind the futuristic cities of ‘Cloud Atlas’ | The Verge – eye poppingly good
Global Recessionary Sentiment Grew in Q3 2012 | Nielsen Wire
Judge Throws Book at S&P Over Shoddy Rating Practices | Mother Jones
How the internet economy works: Guns, butter and bandwidth — Tech News and Analysis
S Korea debt soars to US$2.75 trillion
Meet the man the oil industry goes to for a voice of gravitas in the US election – Quartz – great profile of Daniel Yergin
An Optimistic Case for the Euro by Martin Feldstein – Project Syndicate
Let’s hear it for the girls – a trend report on girlstyle
Silicon Valley residents more upbeat about economy – SiliconValley.com – increasing confidence
Brand owners test venture capital model | Warc.com
UrsaClemenger turns Raid into a bug-killing first-person shooter game – Campaign Asia-Pacific – I love this campaign idea
Hong Kong
Residential prices on the rise in Hong Kong – CSMonitor.com
How to
Google+ and Social SEO: Squeezing the Social SEO value out of your Google+ account
Emotion key for brands | Warc.com
New Rules for the New Economy | A thousand points of wealth
Movement in interaction design | Hover States
The Hardware Renaissance | Paul Graham – so maybe the silicon needs to go back into Silicon Valley
Apple R&D spending up $1 billion in 2012, still far behind Microsoft | BGR
Chris Anderson on the Maker Movement: ‘We’re Going to Get Sued’ – The Atlantic
Gartner: 10 Critical Tech Trends For The Next Five Years – Forbes
Japanese Firm Announces ‘World’s Smallest’ 4k2k LCD Panel — Tech-On!
Starbucks Japan Unveils Posh Leather Cup Sleeves as Part of Charity Drive | RocketNews24 – love these Loewe Starbucks cups leather cuffs and they benefit victims of the Great Tohoku earthquake
Toyota raises profit forecast – more diversified markets than peers Honda, Nissan etc so less exposed to the nationalist consumer sentiment in China
‘Otoshidama’ KitKat ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
Happy campers – Coleman Japan ‹ Japan Today: – interesting how camping supplies has shot up in Korea as workers no longer have to work on Saturdays
Jing Daily: Second-Hand Luxury Losing Stigma In China
Hugo Boss and the fashion cycle vs reporting cycle | Material World
MediaPost – six things you need to know about real-time advertising – great paper from Quantcast
The press, Google, its algorithm, their scale | Monday Note
Is Facebook “broken on purpose” to sell promoted posts? | Ars Technica
FT digital subs pass 300,000, growing readership and revenue — paidContent – looks like subscriptions growth is slowing
The Math Behind Disney’s “Star Wars” Deal – AllThingsD
Bloomberg terminal growth slows to a crawl – NYPOST.com
Dr. Strangelaw or: How Portugal Learned to Stop Worrying and Love P2P | Kluwer Copyright Blog
Gmail edges Hotmail as world’s top e-mail service | CNET News – another area where Yahoo!’s lead has been slipping
Facebook’s surge may be shortlived – Rethink Wireless
Comet is latest technology retailer to go into administration- The Inquirer – its not a recession it’s a restructure
UK becoming a ‘nation of returners’, survey says – interesting patterns to replace instore purchases
Coke Hacked And Doesn’t Tell – Bloomberg – disclosure and homogeneous IT system based on Windows seem to be main issues
RSA 2012: US Lobbying Hard To Alter EU Data Protection Law | TechWeekEurope UK – US doesn’t like EU’s tough privacy laws
New Air Force Missile Turns Out Lights With Raytheon Microwave Tech
How a Google Headhunter’s E-Mail Unraveled a Massive Net Security Hole | Wired.com
Daring Fireball Linked List: Curious Timing – Google and Apple apps
Google sources think maps app might struggle for Apple approval | guardian.co.uk
Windows Phone sales to ramp quickly: Microsoft CEO | Reuters – the how doesn’t seem to appear in this article
Dodgy Coder: The slow decline of PCs and the fast rise of Smartphones/Tablets was predicted in 1993 – which is why they took so long to get to Windows8?
iOS was SO much more valuable to Google than Android – until Maps • The Register
The state of Linux | visualizing.org – another good reason why Microsoft did its deal with Nokia. Microsoft’s enterprise business would have been happy to see Nokia no longer contributiing to the Linux kernel
Open Standards Consultation documents | Cabinet Office
Windows RT, Sideloading, and Office. Oh my. « getwired.com
Chrome Web Store – Do Share – handy for Google Plus activity
RIM says BlackBerry 10 now in hands of 50 carriers
The Upcoming Microsoft Train Wreck – Seeking Alpha – interesting analysis
Nokia claims it ‘resurrected’ the Windows Phone- The Inquirer
Windows 8 can’t pull developers – Submission process allegedly terrible | TechEye
LG reportedly working on Open webOS-powered smart TV | The Verge – interesting comments on Google’s conditions on smart TV software
Why Microsoft’s Surface will be no-show in Japan
Teardown: iPad mini is more like a “big iPod touch” than other iOS devices | Ars Technica
Two burning questions for ARM this week – interesting points around computing power per watt
BYOD for our own staff? That would be ’embarrassing’ – HP exec • The Channel – not terribly surprising
Yoshida in China: NXP deals with ‘freeze mode’ – interesting downturn in demand
Microsoft’s Pivot – A Plan to Dominate “Devices and Services” – Adamalthus
Exclusive: Reynolds and Reynolds explores $5 billion LBO – sources | Reuters – sources (Banks: Quattrone’s Qatalyst, Deutsche Bank)
Apple – Press Info – Apple Announces Changes to Increase Collaboration Across Hardware, Software & Services – interesting moves, the ex-Dixon’s guy was no surprise ejection. Forstall was a bit more of a surprise: on one hand tipped for the top with a reputation for being a nasty piece of work, on the other scapegoated in the media for Apple iPhone missteps
Wall Street not impressed by iPad numbers | The Guardian
Apple’s no internal client syndrome – rant-dom
Strange game | Ars Technica – interesting analysis of Microsoft
Dotcom pledges to resurrect international cable project | Computerworld New Zealand
Web of no web
U.S. looks to replace human surveillance with computers (Declan McCullagh/CNET)
Robots making inroads in the home, study finds – interesting delineated attitude to acceptance by task
UK spectrum use worth £52bn a year – no it’s worth whatever the users are prepared to pay
Samsung: Rebranding rumor claims a new look to debut in Janaury | BGR – Samsung tries to reposition brand, or is it to move away from the associations of family court battles and political corruption? Ok, I was being a bit harsh, in reality decoupling brand from being a cheap Sony to being a cheap Apple
For The First Time Ever, iPhone Owner Loyalty Declines – perceived lack of innovation, maps and a tough economy especially in Europe I would have said were factors. Interestingly Strategy Analytics didn’t seem to touch on the economy as a factor
LTE’s early benefits hindered by obstacles, according to Economist study – FierceWireless:Europe
The iPhone 5 WILL do 4G magic on Three … but not until 2014 • The Register
Sony cuts Q2 2012 losses to $198 million, bumps revenue to $20.6 billion thanks to mobile — Engadget
Microsoft ‘kicks Huawei out’ of Windows Phone 8 global launch | ZDNet – WTF
Panasonic set to ditch smartphones | T3 – a few things about this. Beyond the product launch did anyone see the Panasonic phones, you know in shops where they could buy them? What went wrong on the channel? Finally given that Sony and Panasonic’s success plans look similar: abandon brown goods, win through ‘convergence’, mobile (because that’s successful) and cameras – does this mean that Sony will have a similar burn?