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Artificial DNA
Artificial DNA Could Become Savior Of Technology | PSFK – Trends, Ideas & Inspiration – PSFK isn’t normally the place I would go for futurism but their take on artificial DNA is interesting. Artificial DNA offers opportunity as a storage medium that could be much more compact than today’s flash storage or hard drives. Artificial DNA also offers opportunities in new classes of medicinal treatments that might be personalised.
Why Silicon Valley Should Be Worried – GigaOM
Lost In Translation: Japanese Market Not Sold On iPhone Cool Factor – In Japan, like elsewhere, gadget fans lined up to be some of the first to buy the new iPhone last week. However, after the initial rush, it appears that consumers there aren’t completely sold on the device. Part of this is down to the high quality level of services that they have been used to on their flip phones with added carrier based services and even a social network called Mixi. The iPhone will need to provide a better experience optimised for Japanese consumers
How to Create a Social Media Monitoring Strategy
Nike campaign celebrates 20 years of ‘Just Do It’ – Brand Republic News – Brand Republic
Ping.fm Mobile – Really handy for doing a blast update across social networks, micro media etc
Reality Check: Internet Poses No Threat To TV
What Getting Buzzed Says About Yahoo! – its all about core competences, in Yahoo!’s case aggregating an audience and playing to its strengths
A Hierarchy of Blogging | iain tait | crackunit.com
YouTomb: where copyright-clobbered youtubes go to die – Boing Boing
Corporate Social Networks Are A Waste of Money, Study Finds – ReadWriteWeb
Reuters AlertNet – Homepage – Reuters news for NGOs spotlighting disasters around the world
Orkut Captures Indian Developers’ Interest | WebProNews
Analyst: Vista to blame for Mac’s success