Old mix I’d done

Digging through my digital archive I came across an old mix CD I’d done.

Two Technics SL-1200 decks, vinyl records, a no-brand mixer with bass and treble levels on each channel that I had picked up at Maplins (think Radio Shack in the US) and a HHB CD-R 800 recorder to take it down in one take.  (For hi-fi heads, the CD-R 800 was made for HHB by Pioneer based on the respected Pioneer PDR-99. The differences were in the rack mount capability on the HHB in place of the wooden side pieces, HHB branding and some additional balanced connections on the back for recording in a studio.)

It was sent out and given to friends as a CD in an A3 sleeve that folded down to CD size designed by Stephen Holmes at bloodybigspider.

Track listing (as best I can remember) – if you recognise any of the other tracks let me know so I can plug the gaps

  1. Unfinished Sympathy (Nellee Hooper club mix) – Massive Attack. I am a great believer in starting with something people know. I prefer the Nellee Hooper mix over the more famous Paul Oakenfold mix of Unfinished Sympathy
  2. Reality (main vocal version) – DJ Spinna featuring Rich Medina
  3. Marscarter (BLHIII original) – Bernard Leon Howard III. A really nice track on the Tweekin label which I really liked. BLH didn’t release anything after this 
  4. Inspirations From A Small Black Church On The Eastside Of Detroit – Moodymann. I loved this track but wasn’t sure how to use it. In the end I just threw it in
  5. Unlabelled white label
  6. City People (Migs Dubpusher Rub) – Miguel Migs
  7. Jazz 2 B U (Johnny Fiasco’s after midnight mix) – Chris Simmonds
  8. Saxomus Bill – Jay Tripwire (you can find this on Beatport as Saxamus Brown – presumably because the original namechecks Bill Clinton)
  9. Hypnose (Tony Hewitt remix) – Phil Weeks
  10. Unknown white label
  11. Unknown white label
  12. My Dusty 303 – Dano – it manages to do acid house in a way that allows room for all the instruments to ‘breath’
  13. I go back (main mix) – Harry Romero featuring Robert Owens. Both are great in their own right but together this becomes phenomenal
  14. The Love Scene (Henry Street remix) – Joe – this is a remix of an R&B track that I hadn’t heard of. I like the way its built into a dreamy track, ideal for finishing this mix on.

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